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MF DOOM Has Passed Away (RIP)

I remember paying for a show of his a couple years ago... it was a weekday

But slept off and missed it... it hurt I didn't get to see him even though there were rumours of him using doubles on stage

I acquired every hard copy of his albums (which I still have) before streaming became popular..

Madvilliany is not only a dope ass album but ... it's an album that just radiates joy inside you... especially if you smoke weed

This the second artist this week that I've watched before hearing they died. I watched both breakin movies then shabba doo dies days later.

Watched some of dooms interviews, listened to his music and did some research on his lyricism for 2 hours literally a couple days ago and now he's gone.

I was just telling my boy I didn't discover him until I joined my very first sub forum and couldn't believe madvillian came out in 04. I loved that album.

RIP to Metal Face doom, king Geedorah, Viktor Vaughn, King Dumille
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