Mental health check

Depression, but I try not to think about it. That's why I always try to stay busy. An idle mind is the devil's playground. Another downside of it is that I'm numb to alot of things. Getting too emotional invested might triggered the depression.
The best way I had anxiety and meds described to me was from a nurse at a crisis center.

For anxiety she said

Think of the amygdala like a knee. Think of our brains like athletes. Some of us are highly functional athletes. Some of us have torn tendons and played through the pain and as a result we cant walk straight or experience a day where we dont feel it. Even after its healed to the best it can on its own.

Some of us have played so hard and so long that we have worned down the cartilage, that every day is the experience of bone on bone. We may heal, but..

It hurts when it rains..

( she was crying, wipe tears and continued)

tenor (12).gif

So think of you being here as you going to the doctor and saying. Doc, my knee hurts, and I dont know why. Doc, it hurts when it rains, Doc when I plant and turn, it feels like I'm tearing myself apart.

Think of this therapy as surgery, and think of meds as a knee brace. You dont have to carry the team alone anymore.

These places good for some bars
So yeah I got diagnosed with major depression about 2-3 weeks ago

It was no big surprise

I probably had that shit for a long time,but a couple of events triggered it for real in the last 5 yrs.

I waited a long time to check up on it,because I was like that's some white ppl shit and I figured everybody thought like me,but apparently they do not lol.

And also I figured nobody could help me with my specific problems and I just needed to get myself together.

I don't have any psychological issues like seeing things or no shit,but I been really mad/sad for an extended amount of time.

I was in a real dark place for a long time and I kinda excepted it.

So basically,if you have obsessive thoughts of death or wanting to not be alive,or suicidal thoughts or plans ,it's not normal and you should seek help.

I would never commit suicide and never made a plan,but my mind does want to keep that option on the table or make me wild out on somebody else.

My own mind is my worst enemy.
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To answer races question. I feel like complete utter shit about it.

I 100% blame myself for my children behavior issues.

Which is why I make my self available for the school whenever needed, and why I've taken him to several doctors and therapist.

I constantly feel guilty for his outbursts.

Dude is so much like me it's crazy.

I try my best not to use anger to discipline. Because I know my voice is very loud, deep, and unsettling when I base... And it's almost reflexive.

The shit is ridiculously nerve racking. I 2nd guess every thing I do with my children, cuz my son is super angry and he's not in a home full of anger.

I don't yell at my wife, I've never raised a hand to her. Like even when we're super pissed.... We're not that shouting, cussing, fighting couple.... We talk our shit out..

But homie goes to school and straight up rages out at every annoyance.

Never starts shit... Which is why they're always willing to work with us.... But his response is always at 10

I think that's all me. And I constantly feel like shit because of it.

It's terrifying when you realize how razor-thin the margins are between raising the next president of the United States and raising an axe murderer. Dead ass.
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I've discussed depression on the former forum a lot.

Been had it since most of my life and trauma I went through.

Shit is not a game. When I heard the word "fake depressed " "selfish " "attention seeking " I get pissed.

Mfs who dont have it or are knowledgeable about serotonin are irritating asf.

People are trying their best to get help and yall like " well just be happy "

I wouldn't discuss periods with women acting like I know, cuz I don't go through that.

It's become so acceptable to drown yourself in alcohol and drugs in order to forget the pain.

Mfs rather be known as a drug addict than to admit their brain isn't working right
I've discussed depression on the former forum a lot.

Been had it since most of my life and trauma I went through.

Shit is not a game. When I heard the word "fake depressed " "selfish " "attention seeking " I get pissed.

Mfs who dont have it or are knowledgeable about serotonin are irritating asf.

People are trying their best to get help and yall like " well just be happy "

I wouldn't discuss periods with women acting like I know, cuz I don't go through that.

It's become so acceptable to drown yourself in alcohol and drugs in order to forget the pain.

Mfs rather be known as a drug addict than to admit their brain isn't working right

I literally just had a friend say this to me.

Not the selfish part but accused me of faking depression and wanting attention.

And I'm like "What nigga wants that kind of attention?'
It can take time finding the right therapist which can be discouraging and draining...but when you do it's like the damn flood gates open up. I'm lucky that my wife works in the mental health field so me finding someone wasn't as hard

This. Shit sucks. And don't live out here in my area and try to find a BLACK therapist. Slim pickings out here.
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This. Shit sucks. And don't live out here in my area and try to find a BLACK therapist. Slim pickings out here.
We in pretty much the same place and facts. When I was in college they had some black therapists on campus, but I was working out and shit and "felt fine" so I ain't take up the resource smh
I literally just had a friend say this to me.

Not the selfish part but accused me of faking depression and wanting attention.

And I'm like "What nigga wants that kind of attention?'

That's the worst kind of people who say shit like that.

Mfs love shitting on people with depression. Laughing at them and not providing any help to a point they dont wanna be around them.

And when they end their misery they're "selfish"

Selfish to who? Mfs selfish for not helping your friend and only looking out for yourself when u saw the signs.
That's the worst kind of people who say shit like that.

Mfs love shitting on people with depression. Laughing at them and not providing any help to a point they dont wanna be around them.

And when they end their misery they're "selfish"

Selfish to who? Mfs selfish for not helping your friend and only looking out for yourself when u saw the signs.

I got some trash friends lol

Most of my friends are in music or the streets or both so you know what kind of ppl I know.

Plus my shit really got bad after a break up so most of my friend's advice ends at "fuck that bitch" and "you need some new pussy"

I been got some new pussy and that ain't the cure.

I thought I was just mad about the break up,but really that just kicked shit into over drive that was already there.
I literally just had a friend say this to me.

Not the selfish part but accused me of faking depression and wanting attention.
That's the worst kind of people who say shit like that.

Mfs love shitting on people with depression. Laughing at them and not providing any help to a point they dont wanna be around them.

And when they end their misery they're "selfish"

Selfish to who? Mfs selfish for not helping your friend and only looking out for yourself when u saw the signs.

Yeah I wanted to knock my homeboy out when he was making fun of demar derozan coming out about his depression not knowing I dealt with that shit. Then when i checked him nigga gonna have the nerve to say he got depression too. I really thought about shooting him for a second.
Aaaaand I just had to deal with someone else mental issues while keeping my impulsive anger in check....

Currently smoking to calm my nerves.

So far everybody is telling me they glad I was there to handle it.

I gotta cousin who's really off and needs professional help. Like he's a danger to himself and everyone around him and he's confused as to what he's doing from day to day....

This nigga just pops up at my house, do I'm called home to deal with it.

I think everyone expected me to fuck him up considering my normal temperament... But while still using my intense voice I was able to get him home. Talk to him, and made them call the state crisis center to come get homie.

Cuz he can't be left alone. He's gonna end up dead just walking of and not being able to hold a cohesive conversation with anyone...
So yeah I got diagnosed with major depression about 2-3 weeks ago

It was no big surprise

I probably had that shit for a long time,but a couple of events triggered it for real in the last 5 yrs.

I waited a long time to check up on it,because I was like that's some white ppl shit and I figured everybody thought like me,but apparently they do not lol.

And also I figured nobody could help me with my specific problems and I just needed to get myself together.

I don't have any psychological issues like seeing things or no shit,but I been really mad/sad for an extended amount of time.

I was in a real dark place for a long time and I kinda excepted it.

So basically,if you have obsessive thoughts of death or wanting to not be alive,or suicidal thoughts or plans ,it's not normal and you should seek help.

I would never commit suicide and never made a plan,but my mind does want to keep that option on the table or make me wild out on somebody else.

My own mind is my worst enemy.

and this is the shit I was talking about earlier when I said go get help before something happens. I know this feeling 'cause I was going through it for 5-6 years myself. It still hits me every now and then, but I get through it. For me it was a combination of things going on, but it led to a very deep, dark depression for years on end. Truthfully, and I can admit this now, the IC and ABW were my only real escapes day-to-day. My therapist told me that when I hit my breaking point I had basically detached from myself and was wildin' out. You never want to get to that point 'cause it can go in any direction which is why I'm now very much an advocate for getting help for your issues no matter how slight a person may think it is. 'Cause once the ball gets rolling, it you don't address it, self medicate, or what have you, it's all downhill from there.