Mental health check

If any one wanna know why I went in a 17..apparently when the doctor ask you what's honestly on ur mind daily.

You dont say, that "sometimes you wonder if you go to a crowded place and just start letting off, how many people can you kill before the cops arrive".
They don't seem to like that, even tho its just kicking da shit wit the doc..
Asthma is a mental health issue? Hmm new to me

But I don’t think I have anything
To answer races question. I feel like complete utter shit about it.

I 100% blame myself for my children behavior issues.

Which is why I make my self available for the school whenever needed, and why I've taken him to several doctors and therapist.

I constantly feel guilty for his outbursts.

Dude is so much like me it's crazy.

I try my best not to use anger to discipline. Because I know my voice is very loud, deep, and unsettling when I base... And it's almost reflexive.

The shit is ridiculously nerve racking. I 2nd guess every thing I do with my children, cuz my son is super angry and he's not in a home full of anger.

I don't yell at my wife, I've never raised a hand to her. Like even when we're super pissed.... We're not that shouting, cussing, fighting couple.... We talk our shit out..

But homie goes to school and straight up rages out at every annoyance.

Never starts shit... Which is why they're always willing to work with us.... But his response is always at 10

I think that's all me. And I constantly feel like shit because of it.
To answer races question. I feel like complete utter shit about it.

I 100% blame myself for my children behavior issues.

Which is why I make my self available for the school whenever needed, and why I've taken him to several doctors and therapist.

I constantly feel guilty for his outbursts.

Dude is so much like me it's crazy.

I try my best not to use anger to discipline. Because I know my voice is very loud, deep, and unsettling when I base... And it's almost reflexive.

The shit is ridiculously nerve racking. I 2nd guess every thing I do with my children, cuz my son is super angry and he's not in a home full of anger.

I don't yell at my wife, I've never raised a hand to her. Like even when we're super pissed.... We're not that shouting, cussing, fighting couple.... We talk our shit out..

But homie goes to school and straight up rages out at every annoyance.

Never starts shit... Which is why they're always willing to work with us.... But his response is always at 10

I think that's all me. And I constantly feel like shit because of it.

I love you Du and thank you for your transparency.

what has been the general consensus in regards to his anger? also have you tried cbd oil. not trying to be funny but my friend uses it with her son who has add & adhd and hes improving
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I love you Du and thank you for your transparency.

what has been the general consensus in regards to his anger? also have you tried cbd oil. not trying to be funny but my friend uses it with her son who has add & adhd and hes improving
Well his last therapist told us she didn't want to keep taking our money, because he had no real medical diagnosis other than he has a low tolerance for agitation. And that's more of a personlity trait than illness.

So we just monitor his sleeping, eating, time on video games and tv.

Make him read, write, he has mad art supplies. He likes to draw. So we encourage that. And honestly just communication.

He's getting much better. Much much better. He still has issues, but given his temperament and his improvement, I'm urging his teachers to hold him more accountable as well.

They tend to let him get away with shit I'd rather they not. I need him to understand that it's important to be conscious of the impact of our decisions. people don't just forget shit cuz we ready to move on.

I think that concept is starting to sink in with him and he realizes that he doesn't want people treating him how he used to act.

So he's consciously making better decisions. And when he tells me them I give him approval for it.
Like today's world is so programmed to call every form of aggression bullying.

And the saddest thing with my son is labels get thrown at him for being aggressive, but in his mind he feels people are bullying and messing with him. And he's just not standing for it.

So it just requires a lot of talking. I had to pretty much break the news to him that he's a total bad ass, and nobody is bullying him. They just like to get a rise out of him because of his energy level.

I tell him people used to do the exact same thing to me, and I learned cracking jokes not only kept me out of trouble from fighting... But it worked better than punching someone in the face for messing with you.

So we playfully roast each other all day around the house.

I'd rather him get in trouble for his mouth vs his fists
hard to empathize with yall

have some of you ever considered how much damage youve caused to other ppls mental health?


I often times think about how my past actions have had a negative impact on others.

Mainly my actions while deployed, how I feel our opportunity to be the next "greatest generation" was robbed from my peers and myself.

Here at home I am more reactionary. I do not respond unless provoked.

Only downside to that is not being able to properly discern one's intent.
Meaning my normal may not be the next mans normal.

I do work to make sure no one else has to deal with my shit. It was my poor life choices that led to me being who I am not anyone in my immediate vicinity.
It's funny this thread came up, cuz this was legit on my mind earlier today.

My son's 3rd bday party I think. 3 or 4..... Either way we had a lot of family, friends, and a lot of kids were there....

And one of my brother-in-law friends came and in his infinite judgement decides to him his engine while turning his car to park over in the side of the lawn.... Mad kids playing in the lawn

Fucking dirt flies up n everything... Kids jumping and running cuz the engine was so loud.... One of them fixed up cars that's extra loud for no reason.

I know I have a temper. I'm aware of this.

And I instantly flipped.... Like homie ain't even park and get out.... He just left...

And at the moment I never really reflected.... But today for some reason I was...

I had family there. Mom's, uncle's, aunt's, members from our church. Both sides of my wife's family was there. Friends we have together and individually... It was a nice crowd.

And even though homie was dead wrong....I can't help but to think my anger scared everybody... And no one really said anything to me about it....

It was more everybody was on alarm cuz I went off.... And they all kinda was like "u okay?" after it was over....

I just don't understand it.... I've seen people go off all the time and normally someone hops in their face it challenges that anger or something...

But not with me.. It's like people just get out the way.

And it made me think... Am I scary to my loved ones when I get angry??

Like I've never even hurt anyone forreal or turned that anger on anyone unwarranted.... But flashes of it will surface from time to time.... And I couldn't help to think what my son sees when I'm angry.

What he saw when I was angry and disciplining him.

Me and @Black_Samson were talking about it on PSN years ago. 2014/2015 right around the time we were going to all them doctors and therapist n shit.. and he was like I can't teach my son not to act out with anger if I discipline him with anger.

Like that shit just hit me hard as fuck and I switched up my approach....

But it definitely made me think....

I mean I joke around with y'all with the short fuse n all..... But that's really me... And while I've never got into any real trouble myself due to my temper/anger issues....

I definitely see it in my kids.

I've always said I needed more patience.... Well I've definitely learned it dealing with these kids.

My son just got admitted into the gifted and talented program...... Like I don't want his behavior to derail his trajectory...

If it's anything schools like to do... It's show off intelligent black little kids... And he could be in a great position for a lot of opportunities. But as long as he's labeled a behavior problem.... It's gonna stand in his way....

So I'm working hard to get past this....

But again. I think we're doing better. His last report card was great. And my last few conversations with his teachers weren't great.... But a whole lot better than previous years
Iight, I'm done.

This is what I do when I drink. I talk too much.

I don't get angry or out of character.... My temperament stays the same.....i just don't shut up....

Which is why I stay drunk posting, lol

I might have a slight OCD

not like I have to flip the light switch 3x or sumn... but I hate grabbin the top plate, gotta be one in the middle
I think some people, not all, attach normal human behavior shit to a disorder. Like if I don’t like being in crowds I have social anxiety.

Nah, you just weird and awkward in crowds and it makes you uncomfortable. Real anxiety is having a fucking meltdown at the proposition of having to be around a lot of people.

All that to say I think people need to stop trivializing the shit to get sympathy points.
Social anxiety is not the only anxiety tho. And I agree. I think most people have that. Imagine going up on stage to speak in front of thousands and it's on live tv and everyone u know is watching.

But there is anxiety in general. Where you just have 20 complete meltdowns a day and traumatizing events keep replaying in your mind until you want to end it... yea that one is not a game.

And clinical depression is a muthfucka as well.
People who don't have it dont know what it's like.
It's like being in the sunken place with the real you wanting to be alive and do things but your brain isn't letting you and putting a mental barrier on it.

That's why u see people like Robin Williams or people with family ending it. It's not because their selfish or not happy with being rich or having a family.

It's more like a virus that's plaguing you till a point you cant see any other way