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Meg The Stallion Getting Canceled?

You missing the whole point again. If a person say hey call me this instead of that. You say well I been saying the shit fuck you. It’s ignorant as shit. No need to go further.

Basically. Give me a better reason other than "we don't like that name now, I know it was cool yesterday... But the governing board of our group says we don't like it anymore so don't call us that anymore"

Unless there's a reason akin to Black folks and "nigger", Native Americans and "indian", or something to that effect, where there is pure hatred, subjugation, genocide, and whatnot behind it, I have no good reason to change.
Basically. Give me a better reason other than "we don't like that name now, I know it was cool yesterday... But the governing board of our group says we don't like it anymore so don't call us that anymore"

Unless there's a reason akin to Black folks and "nigger", Native Americans and "indian", or something to that effect, where there is pure hatred, subjugation, genocide, and whatnot behind it, I have no good reason to change.

Plenty gay people face abuse while being called a faggot tho like you old enough to know this bruh. You really just like to debate shit for the sake of debate. Lol like it hurts you to call somebody what they ask in regards to gender. Because you think it’s a sickness. Ain’t no reason to go any further
Rupaul a crossdresser right?
drag queen...........but idk if thats the same thing.Someone else need to answer that, cuz im not putting that in my search history. Either way they attacked his ass for being gay after that interview.
Plenty gay people face abuse while being called a faggot tho like you old enough to know this bruh. You really just like to debate shit for the sake of debate. Lol like it hurts you to call somebody what they ask in regards to gender. Because you think it’s a sickness. Ain’t no reason to go any further

Again, you're being intellectually dishonest.

Homosexuals can't be identified unless they make it known that they're homosexual either by declaring it verbally or by overt action. One could be a homosexual and no one would ever know if they didn't go around telling everyone (i.e. Sherman Hemsley). This is nothing like the persecution faced by Natives or Black Americans, which happened/happens because of their skin color. If a gay homosexual was being abused while being called "faggot", they were likely doing something other than purely existing that brought that attention towards them (i.e. getting caught having or soliciting sex from other homosexuals in a public place, the unnecessary gay lisp, etc). If a Native or Black American was being abused for being Black or Native it was purely because they exist in a manner that they simply cannot help: Their skin color identified them as Native or Black and they faced persecution because of it.

As far as Gender Dysphoria being a sickness... It's defined as a mental illness and always has been; can't get around that. It's no different than a bulimic or anorexic person that, despite being dangerously skinny, sees and believes themselves to be fat. The way to help them is not by giving them hormones and cutting off body parts; that's barbaric. You help them the same way that you help anyone else with a similar condition: By helping them to see reality through therapy.
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drag queen...........but idk if thats the same thing.Someone else need to answer that, cuz im not putting that in my search history. Either way they attacked his ass for being gay after that interview.

Drag queens typically do it for the performance aspect of their craft, if you will. Believe it or not, many are bone-straight men that wouldn't ever touch another man sexually ever. Crossdressers do it because to them it's a sexual fetish and wish to pretend to be a woman for sexual thrills. It could be simply wearing women's lingerie during sex to full-on attempting to appear as a woman and having sex with men in a woman's role. That's not to say that some drag queens don't also do it because it's a sexual fetish because some do.

And before y'all get started, I minored in Psychology with a focus on human sexuality for a time. I also minored in Journalism briefly, which I still carry with me in the way I write and research (I've also stated this much back on the IC).