Meg The Stallion Getting Canceled?

It's fine to just call em trans and keep it pushin tho

it's also fine to call them tranny. Been saying it for years and I have no intention of stopping 'cause some of them gonna clutch their pearls over it.
People need to cancel the word "cancel". We live in a super PC sensitive world. Who gives a damn what she said in 2012. There's no such thing as a 100% perfect human being that never said anything offensive. Saying you're sorry and apologize is not enough. You are forever a bad horrible homophobic racist...etc person.

Thank God I'm not a celeb. People would dig up something I said when I was 15 years old and be like cancel this fool.
Tf is a trap?

Another term for tranny. I think it's for the trannies that don't admit to being transexuals, or maybe trannies that can fool you, thus "trapping" dudes that fall for it. Shits hella old, I first heard it in the mid-90's in anime fan circles. I just chalked it up to jargon from that culture.
To be honest, I didn't even know faggot was a slur till maybe 2 years ago. They just up and decided that shit far as I can tell. And apparently, trannies don't like being called traps.

Lol bruh that shit been a slur forever cmon now bruh I mean it ain’t same level as nigger but I thought everybody knew this
Cuz niggas love hypocrisy. Switch all this shit to nigger and they gonna cry but a gay dude not wanting to be called a faggot niggas get real right wing
Exactly lol.

To be clear idc about gay slurs. Say em if you want to. *shrug*
But we ain't gotta act brand new like we dont know what they mean when they say it's offensive and there's negative connotations behind those words. You know it because you're black and it's annoying to have to deal with negative connotations associated with something you cant change. You just dont care cuz you're not LGBT, disabled, etc.
Sounding like an old white dude defending saying nigger

Tranny and nigger ain't even in the same league; stop being intellectually dishonest bruh. One is just a way of shortening a long word; the other carries with it the wholesale death, rape, exploitation, and kidnapping of millions of our ancestors. Nigger says you're less than human. Nigger says you're an expendable commodity. Nigger says you're a beast of burden. You can't hide being a "nigger" from anyone. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, you'll always be able to be singled out as being a nigger.

Does "tranny" carry any of that?


So, if you would so kindly oblige, please stick your fingers into a running lawnmower blade so you'll never type some idiotic bullshit like that ever again.
  • Ether
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But to be offended by "transsexual" or "transvestite" ?

Since when did they become 'slurs'?

I will never get that.

I think the reality that you can never change someone's sex finally set in. "Transsexual" reminds them of what they can never hope to attain no matter what.

Transvestite tho? No idea why that's considered a slur now.
Tranny and nigger ain't even in the same league; stop being intellectually dishonest bruh. One is just a way of shortening a long word; the other carries with it the wholesale death, rape, exploitation, and kidnapping of millions of our ancestors. Nigger says you're less than human. Nigger says you're an expendable commodity. Nigger says you're a beast of burden. You can't hide being a "nigger" from anyone. No matter where you are, no matter what you do, you'll always be able to be singled out as being a nigger.

Does "tranny" carry any of that?


So, if you would so kindly oblige, please stick your fingers into a running lawnmower blade so you'll never type some idiotic bullshit like that ever again.

You missing the whole point again. If a person say hey call me this instead of that. You say well I been saying the shit fuck you. It’s ignorant as shit. No need to go further.
You missing the whole point again. If a person say hey call me this instead of that. You say well I been saying the shit fuck you. It’s ignorant as shit. No need to go further.

A tranny would get triggered if you call them sir/man.