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Isn’t it still supposed to be at least 3-5 years before X-men or Fantastic 4 or even Deadpool show up in the MCU?

That’s the next big thing I’m waiting for, hopefully we all don’t lose interest before that can happen.
Yeah that's what I mean though and I think F 4 is phase 4 and slated for 2023. Khori said it in that double toasted video I posted. All the originals and leaders are gone basically. Their.charscters are either dead or retired and there' nobody left but idiots and children. Those were his words and Thor basically except for dark world and infinity war was always slightly goofy. There was some slight humor in all the previous films before Ragnarok on his part.
speakingg of infinity war theres a lesson taika should've learned from that movie.thlr was dead serious given the stakes of the story. He just saw his friend and his brother murdered I'm front of him so the goofy antics doesn't work with the tone of that movie. If there's a god killer walking around slaying gods and there's a woman you love dying of cancer there's no room for extreme goofiness. Taika see to dial the humor back. Thor Ragnarok worked but that was a fluke. He tied the same Thor and Loki stage play In love and thunder but it didn't land like last time. If and when they reboot I want every thing undun.new Asgard etc. All that agenda stuff they trying to push etc. They gone .ess around and having heroes on that pronoun shit next with characters referring to themselves as they .etc.
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I will say, people do themselves a disservice to act like the movies are going to follow directly from the comics

they’ll pull elements from the comics but it’s their version of an adaptation more than anything so you can’t always expect characters and plots to go the way you anticipate. You also get disappointed if you act unfairly like that

These niggas not gonna make movies to appeal to 40 year old nerds I’m sorry

I was with you until the last part of your post.

if you ever been to a comic-con, they definitely make the movies to appeal to the 40 year old nerds. LMAO. Not to mention a ton of the humor is geared towards young adults and those 40 year old nerds. Lol.

other than that, you’re spot on with your assessment
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I just saw this and liked it.

Shit had me cracking up .

idk what the issue is with the humor to critics and some fans?

I loved Ragnarok.

Bale never disappoints.

S/0 Astrid/Axl and those screaming goats.

Thought Val would die before Jane.

Thor is so funny and silly but damn his life is tragic

I love Tessa.
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Needed more Gorr. His backstory set up was excellent. Well acted, believable motivations. But they never SHOWED us the god butchering, they just TOLD us. This should’ve been a two parter, or a bit longer to showcase why so many people hyped this character up. Other than that I liked it well enough. Right on par for every MCU movie not in the top 5.

That’s all I got
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Niggas trying to change the topic. Aye @g-dog-ona-flytip keep shitting on this movie.
Nahth res not much more left to say. I've vented most of my frustration and aim about through curb stomping this movie. My criticism is aimed mainly at taika waititi. I came in with low expectations. My expectations for this movie was that it would be just not as enjoyable as Ragnarok but at least watchable. I didn't expect this movie to go all the way left like it did. Taika went full retard and turned Thor into simple Thor. I can't wait for the honest trailer because I know that shit will be hilarious.
I was looking at this movie and saying "wasn't the actor who played Zeus supposed to be famous and be Russell Crowe " and I dead ass did not recognize him fat in this movie.

He looked like Alan from The Hangover