Kill em With A Smile!!
Hot take
Captain Marvel isn’t a bottom 5 marvel movie
it isn’t, that isn’t much of a hot take lol
Hot take
Captain Marvel isn’t a bottom 5 marvel movie
Yeah that's what I mean though and I think F 4 is phase 4 and slated for 2023. Khori said it in that double toasted video I posted. All the originals and leaders are gone basically. Their.charscters are either dead or retired and there' nobody left but idiots and children. Those were his words and Thor basically except for dark world and infinity war was always slightly goofy. There was some slight humor in all the previous films before Ragnarok on his part.Isn’t it still supposed to be at least 3-5 years before X-men or Fantastic 4 or even Deadpool show up in the MCU?
That’s the next big thing I’m waiting for, hopefully we all don’t lose interest before that can happen.
I will say, people do themselves a disservice to act like the movies are going to follow directly from the comics
they’ll pull elements from the comics but it’s their version of an adaptation more than anything so you can’t always expect characters and plots to go the way you anticipate. You also get disappointed if you act unfairly like that
These niggas not gonna make movies to appeal to 40 year old nerds I’m sorry
Movie is wild forgettable.Like I never need to see that shit again.Hot take
Captain Marvel isn’t a bottom 5 marvel movie
That shit was hilariousHe lifted his skirt as he walked down the steps like a fag. There's so much wrong with this .movie.
If I ever buy this movie it will only be used as a papef weight or a coasterlol that's the thing.. not everything has to be classic or trash.
Some shit can be just ok and that's fine
Nahth res not much more left to say. I've vented most of my frustration and aim about through curb stomping this movie. My criticism is aimed mainly at taika waititi. I came in with low expectations. My expectations for this movie was that it would be just not as enjoyable as Ragnarok but at least watchable. I didn't expect this movie to go all the way left like it did. Taika went full retard and turned Thor into simple Thor. I can't wait for the honest trailer because I know that shit will be hilarious.Niggas trying to change the topic. Aye @g-dog-ona-flytip keep shitting on this movie.