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lol word. I went to the theater cuz their site was fuckin up and I couldnt see the seat charts and they ended up being sold out. Copped my shit for tomorrow morning just as a couple folks were coming out hype as fuck.

I got the hell outa there lol

I envy you. I wish I could watch this for the first time again.

I’m not a repeat screening guy unless I’m seeing something with another person that didn’t catch it.

I went today by myself and I’ll be going again Saturday by myself. And likely Sunday with my girl.
more excited for the future of Spider-Man than I was before seeing this movie. That mid credit scene gave me all the hope I needed.

@MJ DOOM im saying it now, fuck your ideas. Let these motherfuckers make the movies

Lol at fuck my ideas. But yet it sounds like they fix everything I and other people complain about with the first two movies.

I’ll see tomorrow.
🙏🏼 How does it work AP?
I just think you have this thought that they actually give a shit about what people thought about the first two movies instead of just making the last in this trilogy something special after they introduced the multiverse concept.

I personally think the multiverse may have been the best thing for them because they aren't tied to certain plots people were assuming they were going to do.



And stop trying to be "right" or trying to prove everyone else is wrong