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Cause I don't know anything about this mythology. Is this suppose to be the same "Mandarin" Iron man 3 was trying to portray?
From what I'm seeing online Abomination vs possibly Wong has gotten a lot of fans excited. They redesigned him more like his comic counterpart too. Where the hell has he been all this time? Shang Chi definitely looks dope and I'm very curious how the rings are revamped in this film. Was that Fing fang Foom in the water?
Pretty sure that was Fing Fang Foom. Mostly cuz hes a dragon and that was Shang Chi in that water, not the Mandarin. In the comics the Mandarin stumbled upon another alien (cant remember what they're called, but Fing Fang Foom is one of them also. They are Shape Shifters, Fing just takes the form of a dragon. The One mandarin kills is like some sort of giant bug.) Its in that cave/Location that he discovers the 10 rings, and all 10 were on some sort of post/staff that powered the ship the Alien bug was hiding out on.

Im sure the origin for the film will be different as far as how the rings come. But Im pretty sure Fing is tied into Shang Chi and Shang trains Iron Fist for some time. Why Danny gets that power instead of shang Chi i dunno though. Maybe Shang just feels hes bad ass enough without it.
Cause I don't know anything about this mythology. Is this suppose to be the same "Mandarin" Iron man 3 was trying to portray?
Yes and no. The Mandarin always existed, whatever organization that actor worked for in Iron 3 (cant remember the movie too well) they probably had him just pose as the mandarin. As the mandarin and the 10 rings were a known organization as well. You can see the emblem of the 10 rings in several MCU films, first time it shows up is in the very first Iron Man film. Also in Antman and a couple other Earth Based marvel films.
Yes and no. The Mandarin always existed, whatever organization that actor worked for in Iron 3 (cant remember the movie too well) they probably had him just pose as the mandarin. As the mandarin and the 10 rings were a known organization as well. You can see the emblem of the 10 rings in several MCU films, first time it shows up is in the very first Iron Man film. Also in Antman and a couple other Earth Based marvel films.

Yeah, basically the dude in IM2 was the Mandarin who they basically turned into a joke character. The fans got really pissed because they thought Mandarin was too important a character to be treated that way (they were right). So Marvel heard them and put out a little short called All Hail the King with the actor confirming that he was playing a role, but there actually was a real Mandarin.
Yeah, basically the dude in IM2 was the Mandarin who they basically turned into a joke character. The fans got really pissed because they thought Mandarin was too important a character to be treated that way (they were right). So Marvel heard them and put out a little short called All Hail the King with the actor confirming that he was playing a role, but there actually was a real Mandarin.
Reputation for being hard to work with. Once upon a time he was getting pretty popular noticed how you haven't really seen him at all the past few years. Cause studios don't really take much chances with him.

He bout to be in Knives Out 2.. Comeback season! (maybe lol)
Hes an asshole to work with. Hes still an active actor, but he doesnt get major big budget film roles anymore. The last film he was in he had to make himself lol.

The big controversy was when he was on hulk. They said he showed up every day and made rewrites to the script everyday on set. The director let it slide, but the screenwriter hated it. Ultimately the reviews were ok, but one of the big complaints was the films script which was solely credited to Zak Penn although Norton had many rewrites for his character. There were rumors for the conflicts then ultimately when the movie came out Norton did no promo. then would go on in interviews making negative remarks about marvel studios.

Im sure there was more he had done before hulk, but since that film, he had a couple supporting roles in Birdman with Michael Keaton, then mostly just voice roles and cameos.

Just a pain in the ass for directors, producers and writers and it made its way around hollywood.

