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Only thing I frowned at was if the Tesseract is the Space Stone, he should've been far away from earth. Just like Red Skull from the first Captain America was sent to Vormir where you sacrifice for the soul stone 🤔

In the comics, the Nexus is essentially a cross-dimensional gateway that provides access to all possible realities. And as Miss Minutes explains, variants cause all sorts of problems for the TVA when they veer off of their predetermined paths. “Maybe you started an uprising, or were just late for work,” Miss Minutes explains. “Whatever it was, stepping off your path created a Nexus Event, which, left unchecked, could branch off into madness, leading to another multiversal war.”

With Loki potentially leading into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which Loki head writer Michael Waldron also penned the script for, the word choice of “madness” feels particularly purposeful. This could all hint at the direction that the highly anticipated Doctor Strange sequel will take if the events of Loki end up bleeding into it, with the God of Mischief messing around and potentially setting off the “total destruction” of everything. (Plus, since the upcoming Spider-Man movie is also rumored to be steeped in the multiverse, it stands to reason that Loki and Mobius won’t be successful in restoring the Sacred Timeline.) With this being only the series premiere, it’s important not get too far ahead of ourselves, but that multiversal war could very well come even sooner if Loki and the TVA are unable to stop this other deadly variant of Loki.

This episode isn’t the first time that the term Nexus has appeared in the MCU, though, as it was previously introduced as an Easter egg in one of the WandaVision in-show commercials. The ad was for an antidepressant called Nexus, a drug that could “anchor you back to reality—or the reality of your choice.” This was a significant inclusion in the show because, in the comics, the Scarlet Witch is considered to be a “Nexus Being,” a rare individual capable of altering the Universal Time Stream, and one who serves as a keystone to the multiverse. As explained in a Marvel Fandom wiki page, “Nexus Beings are vigilantly watched over by cosmic forces such as the Time Variance Authority and the Time Keepers to be aware of any temporal changes that the nexi may cause to the Time Stream and act accordingly.”

As always, everything in the MCU is extremely connected. Marvel president Kevin Feige recently spoke to Empire about the significance that the series will have for other films and TV shows moving forward. “It’s tremendously important,” Feige said. “[Loki] perhaps will have more impact on the MCU than any of the shows thus far.”

With Loki and the TVA already traveling to other timelines and dimensions with ease, and the very nature of time itself being brought into question, Loki appears to be laying down a lot of universe-building groundwork as the MCU continues to move forward from its Infinity Saga. By exploring concepts like the Nexus and the Sacred Timeline, Loki could be setting up important story elements for the Scarlet Witch and for the Sorcerer Supreme, Earth’s primary protector against magical and mystical threats. But for the moment in this series, Nexus Events are everything that the TVA wants to avoid, and probably exactly the kind of madness that the variant Loki is hoping to create.
Basically. This simply made me remember how nonsensical Marvel's explanation of time travel in Endgame was. Where was the TVA when they had an ENTIRE MOVIE ABOUT MESSING WITH THE TIMELINE?!?! Lol

That means Thanos was supposed to win and they should have got @ the Avengers (especially since Steve went back and lived through the timeline)
TVA explained to Loki that that was supposed to happen. It was pre-destined that they would go back in time to get the stones.
TVA explained to Loki that that was supposed to happen. It was pre-destined that they would go back in time to get the stones.
If they were supposed to go back in time to get the stones, then that means Loki getting the tesseract and disappearing was supposed to happen as well since that was a direct result of them going back in time. Thus making this whole first episode null and void because he wouldn't be a time variant since it was pre-determined in the first place.

If they were supposed to go back in time to get the stones, then that means Loki getting the tesseract and disappearing was supposed to happen as well since that was a direct result of them going back in time. Thus making this whole first episode null and void because he wouldn't be a time variant since it was pre-determined in the first place.

Loki and the tesseract was always going to happen but in doing so was always going to create a alternate timeline. I think what the TVA is doing is stopping timeline that were always going to exist from getting started in the first place.
They're a clean up/ prevention group
Loki and the tesseract was always going to happen but in doing so was always going to create a alternate timeline. I think what the TVA is doing is stopping timeline that were always going to exist from getting started in the first place.
They're a clean up/ prevention group
So why didn't they prevent the Avengers from creating an alternate timeline? Why they not cleaning up after Steve for going back in time and creating an alternate timeline?

If the goal is to prevent alternate timelines from happening then what about the avengers going back and creating multiple alternate timelines? How was that supposed to happen? That's why I said the time travel explanation in Endgame made no sense lol.

You can't tell me there's a group preserving the timeline after you just showed me a movie all about not preserving the timeline.
So why didn't they prevent the Avengers from creating an alternate timeline? Why they not cleaning up after Steve for going back in time and creating an alternate timeline?

If the goal is to prevent alternate timelines from happening then what about the avengers going back and creating multiple alternate timelines? How was that supposed to happen? That's why I said the time travel explanation in Endgame made no sense lol.

You can't tell me there's a group preserving the timeline after you just showed me a movie all about not preserving the timeline.
Hidden agendas I'm assuming.
The goal isn't necessarily to stop alternate timelines from being created but to stop those that would eventually cause a war.

My guess the reason they let the Avengers go back is because (1 They returned all the stones back (2 Not letting them would have probably prevented a certain being from being born or cause a certain being to be born.

From my limited understanding. Time went a certain way up until time travel was introduced into the universe and that's when shit started to go sideways when ppl started to abuse it. The TVA is just there to keep things from going off the rails again.

How I understand the time travel in Endgame is that time itself prevents paradoxes by creating alternate timelines. In Endgame, you can't go back and change anything in your past or else you would change events that created you (or at least the version of you that went into the past) to change things in the first place.
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So why didn't they prevent the Avengers from creating an alternate timeline? Why they not cleaning up after Steve for going back in time and creating an alternate timeline?

If the goal is to prevent alternate timelines from happening then what about the avengers going back and creating multiple alternate timelines? How was that supposed to happen? That's why I said the time travel explanation in Endgame made no sense lol.

You can't tell me there's a group preserving the timeline after you just showed me a movie all about not preserving the timeline.
They put everything back where it was when they took it, that's how they didn't create another timeline
TVA explained to Loki that that was supposed to happen. It was pre-destined that they would go back in time to get the stones.
the problem is they only continued on into the 70s to get the "tessaract" (Space Stone) because they failed to do so in 2012. They only failed because Loki escaped with it. How do they continue the path they're "supposed" to be on if Loki doesn't do this?
So why didn't they prevent the Avengers from creating an alternate timeline? Why they not cleaning up after Steve for going back in time and creating an alternate timeline?

If the goal is to prevent alternate timelines from happening then what about the avengers going back and creating multiple alternate timelines? How was that supposed to happen? That's why I said the time travel explanation in Endgame made no sense lol.

You can't tell me there's a group preserving the timeline after you just showed me a movie all about not preserving the timeline.

The explanation Stark and Banner gave in Endgame was that interacting with the past isn't enough to affect it (sound like some bullshit but hey, it is what it is). The only way to do this is to remove an infinity stone from its proper place in time.

Based on that it would seem that Loki's crime was removing the space stone from its flow in time, but throughout this episode the charge was removing HIMSELF from his "destined path" because he wasn't supposed to escape.

The Time Keepers are just keeping the "sacred timeline" from splintering, nothing more.
the problem is they only continued on into the 70s to get the "tessaract" (Space Stone) because they failed to do so in 2012. They only failed because Loki escaped with it. How do they continue the path they're "supposed" to be on if Loki doesn't do this?
The path was to always go back in time to get the stones, which they did. Loki getting the stone was always going to happen. They were always going to fial in 2012, Loki was always going to get the stone, and they were always going to get back far to the 70s.

If you go back and watch the episode they tell you how multiple alternate timelines were crashing into each other and cause a war, Loki taking the tesseract being one of them.
The TVA is preventing the problematic timeline the Loki would create before he can create it.