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Death was always a looming possibility with Marvel's long term movie plan.
Other members of the staff may have died already.
TBH, I was wondering which of the main cast it would happen to first.
It was very fortunate it didn't happen before.
But the character's story isn't done and this is a business.
Recasting the role may have to be done as it should.
Death was always a looming possibility with Marvel's long term movie plan.
Other members of the staff may have died already.
TBH, I was wondering which of the main cast it would happen to first.
It was very fortunate it didn't happen before.
But the character's story isn't done and this is a business.
Recasting the role may have to be done as it should.
Nah, they will get too much backlash. And the new actor will not be able to compare to Boseman no matter how good he is. T’Challa has to die and a new Black Panther be introduced.
First off RIP yo Chad.

Second, BP will and has to be recasted when the time is right. He was Chadwick, not Black Panther and has a life and legacy outside of the role, but insisting that no one else could or should play the role is ridiculous and people are just caught up in their current feelings. I am pretty sure that he would want them to move on and continue the legacy he helped to create. Not continuing BP would be like killing everything he accomplished to establish a black super hero for the mainstream.
First off RIP yo Chad.

Second, BP will and has to be recasted when the time is right. He was Chadwick, not Black Panther and has a life and legacy outside of the role, but insisting that no one else could or should play the role is ridiculous and people are just caught up in their current feelings. I am pretty sure that he would want them to move on and continue the legacy he helped to create. Not continuing BP would be like killing everything he accomplished to establish a black super hero for the mainstream.
You’re right in the global sense. Yes Black Panther needs to continue as a character and everything, including him being T’Challa.

But it couldn’t happen in the current cinematic universe. It just can’t.

R.I.P. man.

OAN: I see why T'Challa's dad did what he did to his baby brother. Considering bruh betrayed his own country. But to just leave his nephew...naw. B/c he betrayed his family doing that.
They don't have to recast Black Panther they could do the next movies with his sister taking the mantle of Black Panther just like in the comics. Tbh, I would kinda prefer Marvel to leave it alone though.

I agree.... Don't recast T'Challa

Leticia Wright (Shuri) can play the new Black Panther like in the comics.
I keep telling y’all, she can’t carry her own movie, let alone a franchise.

Bruh, it's obvious I don't agree with your opinion by my post and giving a no-sign to your idea of reviving a character that was killed.. LMAO.

None of us really know for sure how well Leticia can carry the mantle as the next Black Panther but what we do all know is she was one of the most popular characters in the film across all demographics.. We also know that there is source material to use as her character taking over the mantle of Black Panther.

But the biggest thing in my opinion that would help Leticia make the Black Panther series become even bigger is she would be the 1st black female superhero for Marvel to headline a movie. You know the story is going to be good (unlike Halle Berry's stupid Catwoman film for DC) due to who is writing it and the females of Wakanda got hella love from all the fans on the 1st film. Black (and I'm sure all races) females would come out to support this film immensely and the story makes too much sense not to use..

Don't recreate the wheel or make a simple situation harder than it should be.
She’s not a compelling enough actress. I like her a lot, but she’s not the best actress. And she’s not built for it.

Now you put Lupita in that role and you got something. Lupita and the Dora Milaje leader would overshadow Letitia in every scene they share.

You could even use her being Green and needing assistance as a plot point in the movie. Lmao

it writes itself perfectly and doesn't add unnecessary confusion
Bruh, it's obvious I don't agree with your opinion by my post and giving a no-sign to your idea of reviving a character that was killed.. LMAO.

None of us really know for sure how well Leticia can carry the mantle as the next Black Panther but what we do all know is she was one of the most popular characters in the film across all demographics.. We also know that their is source material to use as her character taking over the mantle of Black Panther.

But the biggest thing in my opinion that would help Leticia make the Black Panther series become even bigger is she would be the 1st black female superhero for Marvel to headline a movie. You know the story is going to be good (unlike Halle Berry's stupid Catwoman film for DC) due to who is writing it and the females of Wakanda got hella love from all the fans on the 1st film. Black (and I'm sure all races) females would come out to support this film immensely and the story makes too much sense not to use..

Don't recreate the wheel or make a simple situation harder than it should be.
Nah bruh, Letitia gets the love because she’s the loveable, smart as hell side kick. Throw her into the lead role and it will be a mismatch in characterization. It would screw up the continuity.

As far as reviving Kilmonger, not that big a stretch. T’Challa said he could keep him alive. At the end he just slumped over then the scene faded out. Not too far fetched, especially in a desperate situation such as this. You get a lead that can carry a franchise and the return of one of the best characters in the entire MCU and a compelling redemption story.