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Visions dead af. i seent it. I do think she will be able to give him his alternative power source though. They mentioned in Infinity War that Visions Brain is part stark, part banner, and part mind stone and its constantly learning from each piece so his brain is probably well developed and doesnt need the mind stone. Probably give him his solar power source in End Game.

Didnt read through previous pages so you may have brought that up already.
Thats what im thinking. I think shes just classified as "missing". Not necessarily dusted.

I think Shuri will have a pretty significant role in this film. Her working with Tony and Banner to figure out the quantum energy, suits, and maybe some other stuff.

I looked at the first trailer again. Yeah, she's classified as "missing" just like Ant Man, and he showed up at the end of that trailer.
Im hearing from a friend of mine that works for Microsoft that 4 heroes will be rocked to sleep in this one. Dont shoot the messenger
