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I will never understand the hate for Man of Steel. That shit was dope as fuck.

I think the most whining was about Superman killing and the collateral damage. Some said that it was too dark for a Superman movie, which might have a merit as a complaint. I agree it was a good movie though and doesn't deserve all the bad press.
I think the most whining was about Superman killing and the collateral damage. Some said that it was too dark for a Superman movie, which might have a merit as a complaint. I agree it was a good movie though and doesn't deserve all the bad press.

Meh, the collateral damage was about right if you really think about it.

In this day and age we're long past the old Christopher Reeves interpretation of Superman. TBH, I didn't think it was dark enough. Civilians bodies should have been piled up during the fight in Smallville and damned sure in the last fight between Supes and Zod.
I think the most whining was about Superman killing and the collateral damage. Some said that it was too dark for a Superman movie, which might have a merit as a complaint. I agree it was a good movie though and doesn't deserve all the bad press.

Collateral damage??

Superman been causing the cost of living in Metropolis to skyrocket long b4 Man Of Steel.

Show me fight where Superman didn't destroy something, and I'll sell you the batmobile for the low low
my mind is drawing a blank, but which Batman comic had him against Superman that was for the Soviet Union?

i would say Superman been with the shits
i think what kinda took some of the steam from this is that it wasnt a direct tie to the events of IW until the post credit scene

so in the timeline, this happened i think concurrently with IW

Yeah they should've put this out before IW and just had the post credit scene cut back to them being gone mysteriously, minus the dust. Could've had folks like "oh that's why they wasn't there."

Still gonna do better than Aquaman tho...

Wonder how he feels now?
Shit is dumb, he had to get himself out of it the first time which was unprecedented
His girl pops lost his wife in their for decades, and he goes in there like "they got my back I'll be good"
I get it but not me
Wonder how he feels now?
Shit is dumb, he had to get himself out of it the first time which was unprecedented
His girl pops lost his wife in their for decades, and he goes in there like "they got my back I'll be good"
I get it but not me

i kinda see your point

but the first time, was unfamiliar territory

but when he goes in, he has his girl, and her parents on the outside monitoring him which wasnt the case when he went in the first time

you gotta keep in mind, they have no clue whats going on in Wakanda, so he had nothing to be concerned about

i kinda see your point

but the first time, was unfamiliar territory

but when he goes in, he has his girl, and her parents on the outside monitoring him which wasnt the case when he went in the first time

you gotta keep in mind, they have no clue whats going on in Wakanda, so he had nothing to be concerned about

Not only that, but didn't learn more about it through out the movie as well.
Collateral damage??

Superman been causing the cost of living in Metropolis to skyrocket long b4 Man Of Steel.

Show me fight where Superman didn't destroy something, and I'll sell you the batmobile for the low low

Bruh, not like that. I can't remember the older movies all that well, but I don't remember seeing damage collateral or otherwise on that scale. A whole city was devastated. Anyway, I'm not one of the people that had a problem with it. I was just pointing out the common complaints. Compare MoS to the Avengers. In the Avengers, there was a full scale invasion with far less damage and fewer casualties. Some of the Superman fans felt like MoS should have treated things more like the Avengers.
Bruh, not like that. I can't remember the older movies all that well, but I don't remember seeing damage collateral or otherwise on that scale. A whole city was devastated. Anyway, I'm not one of the people that had a problem with it. I was just pointing out the common complaints. Compare MoS to the Avengers. In the Avengers, there was a full scale invasion with far less damage and fewer casualties. Some of the Superman fans felt like MoS should have treated things more like the Avengers.

I'd say Avengers got it wrong and MoS was about as close to getting it right as could be allowed in a PG-13 movie.
Depends on what you mean by wrong. If your aim is realism, then I'd agree with you. However, no one really expects realism from comic book movies.

yeah, MoS was closer to being realistic than Avengers. A full-on invasion should have left bodies piled high and far more structural damage.
Peeped it recently. Not a bad movie. Wasp was dope af. Way better than the first ant man, but still wasnt super thrilled with it. Ghost was an interesting villain though and will be cool to see how they use this quantum shit in the future.