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just realized they excluded lady death, but included red skull

i mean they had an easy lady death actress, hela could easily be lady death, and be influencing thanos, and only thanos can see him.....

but why red skull?

what reason for bringing red skull back?
Word. At least there's some niggas in the MCU.

I've only seen 2 in the DCEU and one already jumped ship.

they gonna prolly introduce static shock soon...

cyborg getting his own movie

and they haven't confirmed what green lantern they gonna use
just realized they excluded lady death, but included red skull

i mean they had an easy lady death actress, hela could easily be lady death, and be influencing thanos, and only thanos can see him.....

but why red skull?

what reason for bringing red skull back?
Well, it fits cause we know Red Skull didn't die and he was teleported somewhere and now 7 years later, we know where.
aquaman is going to be one of the top 3 superhero movies of all time......

they banking hard on mamoa.....
like i don't think yall really follow everything like i do.....

i'm a comic book head, i watch youtube videos talking about all this shit all day long like very day.....

aquaman is gonna be that shit
