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Never mind lol ship blew up. If he wasn’t dead already definitely was after that. Don’t mind me lol

The Hulk throughout almost the entire movie when he caught them hands by Thanos
A lot.of ya ddidnt hear Dr strange when he said out of 14 billion outcomes he only saw one where the good guys come out on top. He knew what be was doing when he gave thanos the time stone. On a side note I have almost all mcu movies on digital except for iron man 2 ,3 thor dark world bp, andragnarok which I can watch on terrarium . I think I will watch all movies in order one per day starting with the first iron man. Nobody me ironed that iron man a than and was are still out there also.
I know it gotta be an upcoming gif for it but that nigga threw a whole moon at them. It almost doesn't get any more gangster than that
It was in the very first leaked trailer at comic Con a couple years ago

Good luck finding it though as they've scrubbed the internet of it

In that one though, it was actually the entire moon and not fragments