Welcome To aBlackWeb

Little known facts about you

How does that reconcile with ur free relationship view? I'm curious

It was meant mainly to be a joke regarding the couples feud game from earlier. Lol

But uh, yeah...I'm of the creative mind in life, not the competitive one.

I believe there is enough of everything for everyone and no need for one to lack so that the other may prosper.

Anything you can get it can get also and then some. No need to compete.
I'm a pretty great cook can make all types of dishes BUT for the life of me I can't make a pancake look good for shit. My flip game is horrendous smh

I've met and talked to Big and Pac way before they were famous.

I grew up an only child but I have a sis that I'm very close with. I also have a brother but him and I have never had a real conversation.

I have (for some odd reason) one single eyebrow that grows excessively long. if I don't cut it it will grow about 4"
I physically HATE stuffing. The smell and taste of it makes me vomit. I haven't eaten it since I was like 6 or 7. It's my mama fault, I remind her of that every Thanksgiving.

I don't like boats

I got a huge family, 100+ on my mother and father side. Most of it is on my mother side.
I also grew up an only child. I didn't get close to my half sister and brother until after our dad passed.

I hate strawberries, anything with them I will not eat it.

I'm a bad influence on my nieces and nephews. They hide out at my place when they dont wanna go to school. I cover for them when they do dumb stuff to keep them out of trouble.
I just like to look at it and figure out what it was.

The bigger the animal, the better. I have selfies with roadkill. A wild hog, deer, and horse.

I get tagged on Facebook a lot when people see roadkill they think of me.
I don't go examine it. If we are driving and I see a dead animal. I get excited and wonder what it was.