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Less Than 30% of Americans In Their Early 30s Have A Child

Believe what you want, but there isn't a single problem facing humanity whether it be poverty, climate change, homelessness, dwindling natural resources, etc... that wouldn't be less of an issue if there were fewer people on Earth. Sure, there are a variety of other things we could be doing better that would help with all of those issues, but they'd still be problems and as population continues to explode, the human race would likely get to a point where improvements with how we do things won't be enough to mitigate those problems anymore.

That fact is that there's really no upside to 7 billion human beings living on the planet at one time, either for us or the planet. Sure, there is still plenty of natural land that we could tarnish with our presence, but how is that a good thing?

Resources are not a problem for the Earth.

Here is the situation. The sun can send a wave and the Earth's atmosphere will change and all resources can be gone tomorrow. Worrying about the resources on the Earth for sustaining humanity is pointless because you can do everything right and an outside factor like a super volcano can erupt and now you in a ice age.

For humanity to survive, humanity needs to start getting resources from outside the earth. Need to work on technology to start farming asteroids, need to find a way to get electricity from waves and the sun more effectively, find a way to create a fake atmosphere on the moon and start using it to farm.

This aint sci fi shit either, this is the future we are currently working towards. It will all happen in the next few hundred years. It all ends with humanity colonizing the rest of the solar system and galaxy cause thats the only way to survive for another 1,000+ years.

Thats the next phase of humanity if we dont destroy ourselves or if the earth or space doesnt destroy us before we get there.

Worrying about resources on earth is pointless cause we not surviving as a speicies another few thousand years let alone millions more if we only rely on the Earth as the only place we can find resources and live.
Again, rich people not hoarding shit won't solve all the world's problems. Climate change will still be an issue. Nonrenewable resources won't magically renew again just because we become more efficient. And again, the problems that might be solved temporarily will eventually become problems again as the population grows.

Also, I don't think you know what eugenics means.

Yea I did use eugenics wrong as hell.
Resources are not a problem for the Earth.

Here is the situation. The sun can send a wave and the Earth's atmosphere will change and all resources can be gone tomorrow. Worrying about the resources on the Earth for sustaining humanity is pointless because you can do everything right and an outside factor like a super volcano can erupt and now you in a ice age.

For humanity to survive, humanity needs to start getting resources from outside the earth. Need to work on technology to start farming asteroids, need to find a way to get electricity from waves and the sun more effectively, find a way to create a fake atmosphere on the moon and start using it to farm.

This aint sci fi shit either, this is the future we are currently working towards. It will all happen in the next few hundred years. It all ends with humanity colonizing the rest of the solar system and galaxy cause thats the only way to survive for another 1,000+ years.

Thats the next phase of humanity if we dont destroy ourselves or if the earth or space doesnt destroy us before we get there.

Worrying about resources on earth is pointless cause we not surviving as a speicies another few thousand years let alone millions more if we only rely on the Earth as the only place we can find resources and live.

You could walk out of the house tomorrow and be struck by lightning, so why put any effort into budgeting and saving for the future? That's terrible logic bro.

You're right, the way we're going, humanity will have to reach outside of Earth to sustain ourselves, but we're not really able to do that yet. It will take time for that to become a viable option for humanity's survival. If we've destroyed ourselves because of conflicts over dwindling/monopolized resources or turned our planet into a wasteland before we've actually reached a level where resourcing in space is a reasonable option, we're fucked.

And, we absolutely could survive for another few thousand years with a smaller population and more responsible stewardship of what we have on the planet. Civilization has been around for 6000 years and modern humans have been here for 300K years. It's ridiculous to act like it would be impossible for us to exist here for another 3 or so milennia without having to go to space for sustainment.
You could walk out of the house tomorrow and be struck by lightning, so why put any effort into budgeting and saving for the future? That's terrible logic bro.

You're right, the way we're going, humanity will have to reach outside of Earth to sustain ourselves, but we're not really able to do that yet. It will take time for that to become a viable option for humanity's survival. If we've destroyed ourselves because of conflicts over dwindling/monopolized resources or turned our planet into a wasteland before we've actually reached a level where resourcing in space is a reasonable option, we're fucked.

And, we absolutely could survive for another few thousand years with a smaller population and more responsible stewardship of what we have on the planet. Civilization has been around for 6000 years and modern humans have been here for 300K years. It's ridiculous to act like it would be impossible for us to exist here for another 3 or so milennia without having to go to space for sustainment.

First, I'm not even going to get into the ethical issues with what you are proposing, because if we do put rules on how fast the population grows and how resources get divided, then the main question is who should be allowed to make the decisions on the whos, the whats, and the logistics, and holy fuck no group should ever be given the power to make those decisions and rules. That aside though.

Just start with your first sentence and forget about everything else. No one said dont plan for the future. The idea behind farming asteroids is for the future.

You are going into theories of what humanity can do if they werent human. Humanity can achieve much more if we didnt grow so fast and were all philosophical and did the right thing. Cool stuff man. But lets forget about focusing on the impossible.

Forget about humans even. Just look at life. Life at its core grows and expands. All forms of life. Humans included. And then look at what makes human progression possible, which is inate greed and competition.

So sure, humanity can achieve everything your saying in a perfect world where we all cared about our neighbor more than ourselves and none of us were greedy and none of us competed.

Unfortunately that will never happen. It goes against the inate characteristics of whats makes life, life.

So when we take our rose colored glasses off and look and reality, we get to the point again that unless humanity starts getting resources from outside the Earth, we wont survive as a speicies.

And so, worrying about resources on Earth is pointless because if we dont find a way to get off Earth in the next few hundred years, it wont matter anyway.

I like what you are saying btw. I wish we can live in that type of world too. But its not realisitic. The practical thing to do is continue working towards farming resources we need from space, and then colonize other planets.

Likely we destroy ourselves before we get there. Theres a reason why intelligent life isnt found. The theory is that life gets to where humanity is at now and destroys itself before finally expanding out of the planet we started in.
worrying about why other folks aren't having kids is weird to me

Yes and No.
If it's on a wider societal viewpoint, then it's not weird as you need a working population for economic reasons and literally species' existence.

If it's "why ain't so-and-so person ain't got a kid yet, they're already in their thirties", then that's weird and people should leave people be on their lifestyle choices.
But shit man it takes a lot to raise a kid if you ain’t ready don’t do it

I'm glad and it's a blessing in disguise that I don't have any kids because I wouldn't be able to help mom dukes with my niece

I always say that you gotta be financially and mentally ready before you have kids. Then you gotta find a woman that's on the same channel
You could walk out of the house tomorrow and be struck by lightning, so why put any effort into budgeting and saving for the future? That's terrible logic bro.

You're right, the way we're going, humanity will have to reach outside of Earth to sustain ourselves, but we're not really able to do that yet. It will take time for that to become a viable option for humanity's survival. If we've destroyed ourselves because of conflicts over dwindling/monopolized resources or turned our planet into a wasteland before we've actually reached a level where resourcing in space is a reasonable option, we're fucked.

And, we absolutely could survive for another few thousand years with a smaller population and more responsible stewardship of what we have on the planet. Civilization has been around for 6000 years and modern humans have been here for 300K years. It's ridiculous to act like it would be impossible for us to exist here for another 3 or so milennia without having to go to space for sustainment.

All I hear is

The US economic system is basically a pyramid that needs a ton of poor(ish) folks at the bottom that are working their way to the top. It's not that complicated to just follow the money. Major corporations need low skilled workers and an increasing amount of consumers. Less kids means we don't have those. The population rate of California is -.5% as a example.
Wow, just when I was feeling weird about only having one child. As a step father, I'm glad I entered the relationship with no children, because just having one is a full time second job that deserves all your attention at any cost; you're farming a potential weapon of mass destruction.

I don't know how anyone is a single parent today. To be one is to become a super hero or the catalyst for a villain's origin story. The cost of living is too high to play around. Generational welfare is very real; you can get trapped into poverty before you realize it. Usually having a child you aren't prepared for is the main way. I'm glad people are trying to break the cycle.
White people worried.

Its been their biggest fear. They think they being replaced.

As far as good or bad, i think its good. I just turned 35 and have no kid. Me and my wife decided we gonna start trying towards the end of the year, so if all is right, ill be a first time father at 36.

I say that to say, my mind state, my wisdom, and my patience gonna make me a great father. Ready to make another human being every single one of my top 5 priorities and not have second thoughts.

I couldnt say that in my 20s. If it happened, i would have manned up, but it wouldnt have been by choice.

So for folks like me, waiting till your 30s to have your first child is the right move and will ensure the kids get all the love and attention they deserve. So I would say this is overall good.
Hahaha reading the replies to that twitter post confirmed that white people felt uniquely triggered by this data.
I’ll be 40 in December, have no kids and I’m happy that I didn’t have any in my 20s. My only issue is finding a woman over 30 with no kids. If I can find that…….


Everything else you said about your mind set and being ready? I’m definitely ready for that once I have a child
I just turned 42 as of last Friday and in a way I'm glad I didn’t have any kids in my 20s or 30s either. Finding a woman (if I were dating) in that age range with no kids would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I think a lot of the cause for the problems in the op is the dating market, current economy where the cost of groceries high, the costs of purchasing a home or paying rent is ABSURD, and then if you're talking about the 30-34 age range... most folks is still paying off student debt working a job outside of what they went to school for.
In a perfect world, I’d love to have kids, man. As it stands, though, life is rough. Having a kid would make my life infinitely worse.

On the flip side, I’m worried about what my life will look like when I’m my parent’s age. I see the way I’m able to help my folks, and realizing I'm not going to have that kind of help when I’m their age is scary af. 🫤
In a perfect world, I’d love to have kids, man. As it stands, though, life is rough. Having a kid would make my life infinitely worse.

On the flip side, I’m worried about what my life will look like when I’m my parent’s age. I see the way I’m able to help my folks, and realizing I'm not going to have that kind of help when I’m their age is scary af. 🫤
This is me all the time.
Better than irresponsibly having children out of wedlock just on some, Oops, or need for attention type stuff.

Reason I have none is because I didn’t want baby mommas and I haven’t came across an eligible wife figure to have kids with yet. I want kids (in the proper context) and not trying to wait forever, but I’m not anxious about it and neither am I desperate.