That album Be, when it first came out I remember I went to New Jersey and I was hanging out in Six Flags, I had such a great time listening to it cuz that was shortly after my pops passed and i remember vibing out to it on my CD Player. Such a well produced album and I don’t think many rappers comparatively are able to make such a good album. It represents rap music at its core.
Like there’s this video on Twitter I saw and it’s a bunch of indian men huddled together and one is rapping and they’re mocking the movements of black men. Like using our physical charisma to add to the moment to make it cooler, and that’s what albums like this, to me, do for our cultural identity. It’s a soulful album. Which these people can’t really duplicate. Like when they try to sound cool on wax, it’s like ehhhh. You don’t got it.
Songs like The Corner, Love Is, Testify or even The Food when it premiered on The Chappelle Show. Such a great album. That alone is why I consider him legend.