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Breaking News leaked audio of biden telling Black civil rights leaders he wont go all in on executive orders to appease the left

So you waiting on white folks or are you putting work?

simple yes or no fam
Its deflecting from the thread title. You aren't on topic.

You can't throw white folks at me, you voted for white folks, i didn't this time and this is exactly why

The question is how are YOU/YALL gonna hold the administration you voted for accountable? Attacking their critics ain't it

Are you gonna shield them from criticism for 4 years and then turn right around and vote for them again in 2024?
I personally have no issue with Biden being criticized harshly for how he acts. I think collectivize all tired of our choices wing rich white men. I get that it’s a slow process to change political dynamics in the US but I think it’s way more people who don’t want to go further left. They don’t care about the wars and exploiting other countries because they do t know about it or the problem is too big.

Maybe it’s just about numbers or spreading out. We need more of us lol not to sound like Thor. But it seems like that no matter what side their is a concentrated effort to give black people scraps.
I'm not sure why it's so hard for you woke people to grasp that nobody here voted for Biden because we expected him to be our savior.

There were two people to vote for in the last presidential elections. How can that be broken down any simpler for you simpletons? You could either vote for Trump or you could vote for Biden. Or you could not vote but surprise... either Trump or Biden was going to win whether your smart dumb ass voted or not. But for some reason it's you "too smart to vote" ass niggas that are crying every time Biden doesn't do something for you.

You guys seem shockingly naive about politics to be so vocal about it.

yall niggas make me sick to my stomach. now yall are in here backpedaling saying “you knew he wasnt going to do shit but hes better than trump” then when faced with the real idea that not only is Biden politically cold, he is in fact not better than trump ????? he was the most conservative candidate out of everyone!!!!!

now its “yall woke mfers doing too much”

no mfer, its yall wet noodles not doing enough.

a biden/harris ticket should have been protested from jump

whats not clicking?
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all the mental gymanistics you niggas gotta go thru to defend your tired and corny stances for voting for a segregationist whose mental faculties is slipping thru their ass crack is laughable.

this is what happens when you rely on dead and/or near dead white ppl for your political imagination

you always end up with nothing
he is in fact not better than trump ?????
And this is where you lose every argument. Trump is in fact worse than Biden. And to say otherwise is being intellectually disingenuous.

On 11/3 there were 2 choices!! Nobody I saw, and definitely not me, propped Joe up to be some sort of savior. I voted for Bernie in the primaries!! I did not want Joe, I didn’t want Hilary back in 2016!

For the next 4 years I don’t want to hear shit from y’all but pushing who exactly YOU think should be on the next presidential ticket and how YOU are convincing millions of people to support that person.

Otherwise, take the back seat you’ve kept warm for the last 8 years and stop complaining and whining about the eventual nominees.
Actually, let me make it easier for y’all to see the difference. This clip from Biden is damaging for sure and he needs to be called to the carpet for it. No doubt. I still think he’ll listen more than Trump and do a hell of a lot more for us than Trump.

Ok, that clip that we’ve discussed for 7 pages, vs this:


Look at the cities he mentioned! Black cities! Disenfranchising black people blatantly and y’all say he’s the same as Biden.

Ain’t some of y’all from these cities?!
Shhh....stop posting this. It doesn’t work well for the narrative that’s being painted in here.

Man, Joe ain’t above criticism. Yeah, he’s been fucking up...on his campaign and post election. I think Elizabeth Warren definitely should’ve been named onto his cabinet, and he dropped a ball passing on her. However, no one is looking to him to be a “savior” or any silly shit like that.

Y’all are certainly in the right to go after him. Just recognize that he’s better for the country than the dickhead that’s still there NOW.

I’m 1000% sure Biden wasn’t anyone’s 1st, 2nd, or probably 3rd choice on here. Personally, I fucks with Andrew Yang, the Warren, then Bernie.

But the primary played out the way it played out, and not voting wasn’t an option when faced with the very real threat of four more years of the fucking WORST regime to ever run America.

So, while Biden is far from perfect, he ain’t Donnie Dumbass. That’s good enough for me.

And y’all still need to show your work around here other than hollow-ass criticisms.
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I personally have no issue with Biden being criticized harshly for how he acts. I think collectivize all tired of our choices wing rich white men. I get that it’s a slow process to change political dynamics in the US but I think it’s way more people who don’t want to go further left. They don’t care about the wars and exploiting other countries because they do t know about it or the problem is too big.

Maybe it’s just about numbers or spreading out. We need more of us lol not to sound like Thor. But it seems like that no matter what side their is a concentrated effort to give black people scraps.
It's easy to give us scraps.
We take chitterlings with the promise of steak in the future for your vote now.
We attack each other because everyone wants to be right and lead the charge.
It really shouldnt matter who believes what....Whoever gains should help out our people regardless.
It's too much of what the white person will do for us in this thread.
From what I have witnessed.....Hispanics in the mid Atlantic up to the northeast will look out for each other. Don't matter rich or poor. The culture is first. Demo or repub, the culture is first.
We should strengthen our foundation and strengthen our culture and identity. Support our diversity and everything else will fall inline.
We don't need a Savior and definitely not a white one. We have all we need. It's white people that has too many of us thinking we need them to fix us since they broke us. Then add politics on top of that, then it's more confusion.

At the end of the day
We just need them out of our way.

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Biden doesn't need to use Executive Orders to enact an agenda. He can use the legal method Bush and Trump utilized with Unitary Executive Theory but he probably won't.

But will President Biden be stuck with a small army of midnight Trump appointees who will reflexively oppose any and all of his administration’s policy initiatives? What, if anything, could the Biden administration do to rid itself of these midnight appointees?

Biden could adopt a theory advanced by conservative judges and legal academics, and long championed by The Federalist Society: The unitary executive theory. Under this theory, President Biden would be constitutionally empowered to remove executive-branch personnel who are opposed to his administration’s policies and programs whether or not they hold a fixed term of office or enjoy statutory good-cause protection against removal.

The Federalist Society, a conservative legal organization that has played an integral role in Trump’s judicial selection process, has long advocated the unitary executive theory. Under this theory, the president must be able to exercise direct forms of control over any and all officers holding policymaking posts within the federal executive branch—including, for example, a sitting member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
That reference he made about them hispanics is why I could care less if orange whipped his azz. That's orange's one hitter quitter.

Joey also talked about them back in 2015 before anyone had any clue him and his party were eyeballing caravans (of illegal aliens). He stated they'll be an unrelenting stream of immigrants. Non-stop. "Nor should we want it to". Biden finna let them come in the country and just ran-sack the place w/ cheap labor, diseases, more violence, and packed hospitals/prisons/schools. It takes time to get to that point. While you all will get the blunt end of all of this I mentioned, while he gets the votes. He won't mind them voting for his party is why he wants them in Einsteins.

They'll be some Ebola, cartels, heck I could see road-side bombs going off. Thing is, your average "orange-man bad" democrat will only get the picture once them or they loved one falls victim to an illegal alien. Here is where he'll see the light and the error of his ways.

Flashback: Biden praised ‘constant,' 'unrelenting’ stream of immigration into US

President-elect Joe Biden, during the Obama administration, said the U.S. benefits from a “constant” and “unrelenting” stream of immigration — and that those with white European heritage becoming a minority in the U.S. is “a source of our strength.”

Biden, then the vice president, made the comments at a 2015 White House summit on “Countering Violent Extremism.” In those remarks Biden described the U.S. as a nation of immigrants and a “melting pot.”


“Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority,” he said.