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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West getting a Divorce

LOLOLOLOLOL man I've been callin Ye a loser for years but jokes aside I wouldn't want this nigga to die tomorrow over some bullshit or because he went to a "dark place".

Historically with celebs shit like this dont go well especially when mental illness is involved.

Hopefully that family was the reason he started acting funny and he goes back to how he used to be

Stop it. He was tripping well before he started fucking with kim.

The divorce proceedings are gonna be a nightmare for Kim. Kanye is gonna go OFF and can potentially cause her more harm than anything she'll ever face. If Kanye will go that crazy when companies wont give him his way with his shoes or clothes, I can only imagine how hard he'll go against someone trying to take half (or more) of his "art" as he'd call it.

Best believe Kanye will play up the mental illness card with no fail every chance he can.

Bruh established as crazy and unstable. It's already a wrap for cuz.
One of Marvin Gaye's best works occurred after he and Anna Gordy divorced. That whole situation was toxic and publicly a roller-coaster. Anna later sued him for things he said on the album and a couple years later they eventually reconciled. Funny enough, they also adopted a child.

I think Zo is drawing parallels between the 2 events.

A lot of us been expecting this type of material to happen if he got divorced as far back as the IC days.
Please break down the connection. I'm aware this album was different from his other work.
To add to it...Marvin didn’t have the cash on hand to pay her settlement so he negotiated for her to collect her funds from the sale of his next album...then went on w the goal of creating his worse album....no album sale: no dough for the wife
Hence the title: Here, My Dear

but this nigga fucked around and dropped some dope shit and changed how albums are sequenced
The divorce proceedings are gonna be a nightmare If Kanye will go that crazy when companies wont give him his way with his shoes or clothes, I can only imagine how hard he'll go against someone trying to take half (or more) of his "art" as he'd call it.

Call it naive but I don’t see her coming after half (or any really) of his shit. For what?