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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

Nah, my statement seems pretty spot on, but if you want to continue to defend a nigga that probably isn't putting half as much thought in the dumb shit he's saying as you are, have at it.
So your post implies you put thought in everything you say …thus making you smarter? Or are we talking about something else?
So your post implies you put thought in everything you say …thus making you smarter? Or are we talking about something else?

You don't have to be smarter to actually think before you speak. Kanye said some dumb shit and has doubled and tripled down on it. No one should be defending him at this point. This isn't a case of someone with good intentions misspeaking. He's on some savior complex narcissistic bullshit, and you're in here calling yourself a savior as you defend him. I'm just saying that you're trying so hard to defend a clown that you're starting to sound a bit clownish yourself. Ease up a little. This dude doesn't deserve your support. He's still going around pushing "White Lives Matter" rhetoric.
You don't have to be smarter to actually think before you speak. Kanye said some dumb shit and has doubled and tripled down on it. No one should be defending him at this point. This isn't a case of someone with good intentions misspeaking. He's on some savior complex narcissistic bullshit, and you're in here calling yourself a savior as you defend him. I'm just saying that you're trying so hard to defend a clown that you're starting to sound a bit clownish yourself. Ease up a little. This dude doesn't deserve your support. He's still going around pushing "White Lives Matter" rhetoric.
Do you understand what a savior complex is?
I have my reasons why I defend him . His white life matter shit can be taken out of context , without considering his new family half white kids or the reasons he gave.
he gave clarity on it..you may not agree and that’s ok. Outside of that and a few other things good and what y’all say is bad……be open to maybe not understanding how he communicates while trying to understand the end result he wants.
Do you understand what a savior complex is?
I have my reasons why I defend him . His white life matter shit can be taken out of context , without considering his new family half white kids or the reasons he gave.
he gave clarity on it..you may not agree and that’s ok. Outside of that and a few other things good and what y’all say is bad……be open to maybe not understanding how he communicates while trying to understand the end result he wants.

The bold is the problem. You can't give someone a pass because you think they are trying to do go if everything they are actually doing works against that goal. Let's assume that you're right, and he has noble motives. Absolutely nothing he's done any good. Like at some point, even a person's supporters have to stand up and tell that person to shut the fuck up if everything they say and do is detrimental to the cause. You're not helping Kanye or what he supposedly stands for by caping for him like this. He needs to be checked, but the problem is that he thinks he above that.
This is a good article regarding Kyrie, Kanye and Dave Chappelle by the author of Blacks and Jews by Terrence J. Johnson

Describing the punishment Black figures face when misspeaking regarding the Jews.

Terrence Johnson calls it the Loop.

Johnson: The Loop is a media vortex, toxically masculine, where white Jewish men berate, discipline and contain Black male entertainers, clerics, athletes and a handful of academics for invoking pejorative antisemitic slurs and diatribes (see for example Minister Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, Leonard Jeffries, DeSean Jackson, Nick Cannon, etc). The backlash can be especially strong when Blacks embrace Judaism as an African-derived religious tradition, as both Ye and Kyrie did. Speaking through institutional bullhorns like the Anti-Defamation League, white Jewish men assemble their multiracial allies, mostly elite Black male leaders, to denounce the speech or slur. An apology is demanded, and begrudgingly offered. This is followed by swift public shaming and severe financial punishment. What would you add to our description of The Loop?

Berlinerblau: I'd re-sequence it a bit. An anti-Semitic diatribe, usually from a non-Jewish Black male galvanizes the white Jewish community. The Major Jewish Organizations then ask Black organizations and individuals to denounce the speaker. Many in the non-Jewish Black community take umbrage at being asked to do that (Is Joe Biden asked to denounce racist and antisemitic statements by fellow white guy Donald Trump?). So, what started as an unfortunate or dumb statement made by one Black individual, triggers a collective white Jewish reaction which, in turn, infuriates Blacks. When we taught the history of The Loop to our undergraduates we lingered on Minister Louis Farrakhan.