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Kanye West announces run @ President: Kim meets with divorce lawyers

Bruh i never had any mental issues until i got diagnosed with an incurable disease and now im on anti depressants and see a weekly therapist, things change, aint like you gotta be born with the shit, plus god knows how many close to him have came out and said he aint been the same since his momma passed, sometimes all it takes is a trigger
Where did I say you can only be born with mental illness? This is not mental illness though. He is in control of his actions.
Everyone talking about they not listening to Kanye West no more is just idiotic.

This shit is deeper than his music. This is about his mental health. Kanye not there hasn't been all the way there for a number of years now.

He need his real friends to get him help but he probably ain't listening cuz he's yet to hit rock bottom yet
Shut that mental health shit up already. This coon is attacking black historical figures. I guess Terri Crews and Candace Owens are mentally ill too? How about white supremacists or abusive cops? George Flloyd's killers are mentally ill too.
So does racist white folks that hates for no reason.

Fuck all that mental shit sometimes

So folks just gots to go