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JWB (Jogging while Black) cost Ahmaud Arbery his life. (All 3 rednecks found guilty).

Oh no he looked in a construction site, we must question him and if he doesn’t comply we must kill him.

Shit is ridiculous. I've lived in a neighborhood where they were expanding and building new houses. Pretty much everyone went in those houses at some point or another to check them out. No one ever thought about arresting someone or killing them for it. These people should just be honest and stop with this weak bullshit. They should just go back to yelling "I voted for Trump." As if that was a legally justified excuse.
The whole citizens arrest thing needs to be taken off the books for non violent scenarios. If a person is not in danger of harm you have no right to intervene and need to sit yo ass down somewhere. If a person wants to play cops and robbers (in a non violent scneario), and it ends with them shooting the so called bad guy, there should be an automatic manslaughter charge with a mandatory minimum sentence.

But we all know the shit is just an excuse for these bigots to continue to murder us in cold blood. Everytime this comes up, they wanna analyze the crooked ass law line by line to justify it.
Cobb County is the part of metro Atlanta whites tend to migrate to get away from all the niggas. Police out there got a dubious reputation there so I wonder what this new DA is all about
Coons gonna coon

regardless of what the case is -he was jogging, he was looking through a window, he was stealing etc - it never gave anyone the right to track down and kill an unarmed man. Everyone has phones w the capability to take photos, video and make phone calls. A truck, shotgun and handgun were completely unnecessary.
Citizens arrest...

they’re going to say that Ahmed couldve continued to run around the truck, but chose to fight instead, which led to them having to defend themselves and shoot him... because they won’t be able to prove that was their initial intent because they didn’t automatically shoot him dead as he was approaching...

these two will get away w murder, they will be forced to move and they will complain they’re being harassed...Zimmerman all over again.
This story is just plain crazy. If you take the race issue out, even just the way the laws work is ridiculous. Basically, a person that wants to start trouble can go harass a person until that person feels threatened enough to initiate a confrontation then the troublemaker can legally kill that person in the name of "Standing His/Her Ground."

When you put race back into the equation, you basically get this case and the Trayvon Martin case. They've essentially created a blueprint for racists who want to kill black people and maximize their chances of getting away with it.
Citizens arrest...

they’re going to say that Ahmed couldve continued to run around the truck, but chose to fight instead, which led to them having to defend themselves and shoot him... because they won’t be able to prove that was their initial intent because they didn’t automatically shoot him dead as he was approaching...

these two will get away w murder, they will be forced to move and they will complain they’re being harassed...Zimmerman all over again.
So why pull over to record him?