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JWB (Jogging while Black) cost Ahmaud Arbery his life. (All 3 rednecks found guilty).

They gonna just call this a botched citizens arrest and move on

I still don't think that's an option. Even by that law, they had to catch him in the middle of committing a crime. Even with all this extra "evidence," they still haven't shown just cause to do what they did.

Edit: Damn, I take it back. Apparently, the DA is trying to push the case saying that there is nothing that proves the white boys didn't have just cause to pursue a citizen's arrest, and from there they are invoking the Stand Your Ground law to justify the killing. In other words, they are combining two shitty laws into a megazord of bullshit to give these racists a pass. Yo, I don't know what to say about that. If this works, they'll have basically just given racists a license to kill. On the other hand, they will given people who want to go after racists the same license so...

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They will be used a pretext....of course we disagree but just watch
Of course they're gonna try to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks but at the end of the day the lynching video is too egregious for a not guilty verdict
Of course they're gonna try to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks but at the end of the day the lynching video is too egregious for a not guilty verdict

Manslaughter is our ceiling on this one I’m afraid

If I’m wrong I’ll come back here and it admit it but I’m not
Manslaughter is our ceiling on this one I’m afraid

If I’m wrong I’ll come back here and it admit it but I’m not
The verdict probably won't be just but they know better than to let these klansmen walk. People know where they live and there will be Justice one way or another
Plus SHS will be running for public office in the next few yrs

She’ll point back to this “look, I’m not racist!” moment when the time comes
Interesting her "im not racist" monent means throwing teammates under the bus to call them racist
Interesting her "im not racist" monent means throwing teammates under the bus to call them racist

They may be in the same conference or division, but they ain't on the same team. White people are fragmented in what they want to do. It just seems that they are united because whatever they do usually winds up bad for us. But they'll turn on each other if it benefits them. We've actually seen a lot of that in the Trump era.