Welcome To aBlackWeb

Junior Mod Questionnaire Part 1.

Based on responses, who has your vote?

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  • Poll closed .
for spite?

we are trying to grow the site and you worried about revenge?
who hurt you bruh?

while i understand your stance about the off topic...we have to understand our demographic.
most people need to be encouraged to make threads and because our crowd tends to reject most things out of the norm, we need to encourage them.

someone has to make the threads....someone has to be willing to look like they failed. but its all about trying.
what will you do about the off topic problem? right now you sounding like a rookie cop coming in to fix a system thats been in place.
we will you do to fix things?
what is your foreign policy?
whats your stance on immigration?
how will my abw bucks be protected from you "crew" of thieves uncle sam?

there was another man who wanted tofix things until he rose to power and seen how power corrupts.
his name was hitler.

These posters aren't babies where you have to coddle them, that off topic thread is doing just that. If most people complaining about the content of the first page then tell them to do something about it, I even include myself in that. You on that sit and wait nonsense and that's not working cause people been complaining for months. People been on these boards for over a decade they know how to make threads, they was doing it before the ADHD thread era. Y'all made it this way now too scared to get rid of it but then wondering why the first page the way that it is.
I'm Withdrawing my Candidacy ,well because I think the other candidates will be much better & I have other Factions/Gangs to Run

I appreciate the Votes prior to , If Possible @Beta can Have My spot , He deserves It @ Mod Squad
giphy-downsized-large.gif No Ego
Well maywood I appreciate that but I'm busy so I can't even really answer these questions in depth. If this was yesterday I could but I love you bro
Aye, all them rebuttals is cool and all

But all I wanna know is what's yall Black Agenda?

my black agenda is to bring more black people from around the world here and display our skillsets and build a great nation within great nations.
I look to educate and encourage the youngins to be bigger than a hood or a zipcode.
I once did a 30 straight days of motivation. that takes dedication. and why did i do that? to motivate my people to go harder at life and take control of their own destiny.
Outside of my obvious trolling, most of yall know i am nothing less than a warrior for my people.
my black agenda is to bring more black people from around the world here and display our skillsets and build a great nation within great nations.
I look to educate and encourage the youngins to be bigger than a hood or a zipcode.
I once did a 30 straight days of motivation. that takes dedication. and why did i do that? to motivate my people to go harder at life and take control of their own destiny.
Outside of my obvious trolling, most of yall know i am nothing less than a warrior for my people.

Talk that shit fam

good luck to all folks.
no matter who wins.......i still got my plans that i will put into action.