Those narratives aren't really false. They are just overblown. You have to remember. Lebron has always been judged through the lens of being one of the greatest players of all time even by his haters. When people talk about him not being a good midrange shooter, they are basically talking about in comparison with people like MJ and Kobe. Compared to them, his midrange game is mediocre.
He unwittingly gave credence to the criticism in the most recent episode of that podcast though. His critics say he has to have an open lane because he lacks decent midrange shooting. In the podcast, he said the way Spo "fixed" their team after the first year was to make Bosh the center and have him routinely move out to the 3pt line as a spot up shooter. That way he's pull out the opponent's center and open up the lane, which allowed Lebron to thrive better.
I laugh when I hear people say Lebron is just as good now as he was 10 years ago. No, he's not. His numbers still look good because scoring is easier now. Prime Bron would be averaging something like 35 ppg nowadays. He'd be a smarter, more skilled, Giannis.