Dont drank out my drank, foo
that all depends on what YALL define personal purchases as, you make the rules
I get gas and fast food and clothes and all that shit on the bill accounts.....anything we actually need falls under that category across the board
but if we wanna fuck off on gifts for each other or if I want a game i dont really need or decide I want wax AND bud tonight lol.....we keep our own lil stashes for that
when she wants some shit that comes with a note or hits our credit, she's gonna ask me....even tho she can most likely just buy the shit outright on her own
i rarely need over 5 or 6 bills at any given time to do the shit i do, so its not really an issue on my end
I get gas and fast food and clothes and all that shit on the bill accounts.....anything we actually need falls under that category across the board
but if we wanna fuck off on gifts for each other or if I want a game i dont really need or decide I want wax AND bud tonight lol.....we keep our own lil stashes for that
when she wants some shit that comes with a note or hits our credit, she's gonna ask me....even tho she can most likely just buy the shit outright on her own
i rarely need over 5 or 6 bills at any given time to do the shit i do, so its not really an issue on my end