This right heregood to have both....we have "bill accounts" that everybody has cards to, and also have personal accounts
I feel like only having separate accounts increases the likelihood that one of y'all will eventually try to hide something shady. The joint account keeps everything up front.
im not taking shots or sayings its wrong.....but I dont personally believe in living certain ways in order to "decrease likelihood of humans being humans"
its just a bad way to think imo....if he/she is gonna do something "shady", joint accounts for transparency have nothing to do with it
our bill accounts are in place so when we're out doing our own thing we dont fuck around and dip into some money thats about to be drafted or something....its not about watching purchases at all
she's got bags of cash on her the majority of the time lol
A joint account for the bills & household expenses, and a our own separate accounts for personal purchases.
You're all welcome.
So if I make more money than my wife does and we have separate accounts for expenses and she wants to do something but she doesn't have enough money in her separate account does she have to borrow money from me? Or does she just have to find something else to do that she can afford?