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Jealous mother cuts daughter hair to spite the father

Both are toxic ass parents.
There’s no way I’d ever do this to my baby just because her father is a narcissistic biatch. I can’t even take from this one little ass video and act like he’s father of the year. These same niggas be the ones who barely call their children or make time to see them but then ask for pictures so they can post them on social media like they take care of their children.

Their Facebook pages is a whole different story too, the ghetto.

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I'm curious as to why the fathers parenting, whether dad of the year or not, is brought into this specific scenario where the mother is the one doing all the fuck shit. Somebody even called him a bitch for recording it. Now we all know a female like this ain't bout to listen to no kinds of reason and is basically daring you to put hands on her in any shape or form so she can lock yo ass up.

Now had he tried to talk sense into her (and we don't know that he didn't try before he started filming), and the shit went sideways, the same posters would call him stupid for falling for the shit.

I'm never one to excuse a man not doing what he's supposed to, but it seems like we all quick to down play the actions of these trife ass broads out here and zero back in on what the father is or isn't doing. We gotta change that thought process. Women like this need the same kinda sole focus we give these ain't shit niggas out here.
I'm curious as to why the fathers parenting, whether dad of the year or not, is brought into this specific scenario where the mother is the one doing all the fuck shit. Somebody even called him a bitch for recording it. Now we all know a female like this ain't bout to listen to no kinds of reason and is basically daring you to put hands on her in any shape or form so she can lock yo ass up.

Now had he tried to talk sense into her (and we don't know that he didn't try before he started filming), and the shit went sideways, the same posters would call him stupid for falling for the shit.

I'm never one to excuse a man not doing what he's supposed to, but it seems like we all quick to down play the actions of these trife ass broads out here and zero back in on what the father is or isn't doing. We gotta change that thought process. Women like this need the same kinda sole focus we give these ain't shit niggas out here.
I’m not reading all of this.
Especially when the first thing I said are both are toxic parents.
If you feel a way about me focusing more on him, you’ll be aight.
Whats the point in saying anything about the father IN THIS SITUATION.

He did nothing wrong IN THIS SITUATION.
He did though.
People take a glimpse at one video and then expect everyone to focus on that one video.
He ain’t shit just like the mother.
Both of them are AINT SHIT parents yet, he used this video to try and act like he’s a better parent.

He’s a narcissist and she’s trifling. No REAL woman is going to do that shit to their child because in the end, the baby was hurting not him. So my first response NEVER excused her behavior.
I went on both of their Facebooks.

a whole embarrassment.
How we knew he is a problem though? We just guessing on that but the fact is she has been proven to be very disruptive to the mental health of the kids

Reading is so fucking fundamental man.
I just said mfs see a glimpse in a video and think they have a full picture. People post everything on Facebook and BOTH parents are ratchet and dysfunctional.
Reading is so fucking fundamental man.
I just said mfs see a glimpse in a video and think they have a full picture. People post everything on Facebook and BOTH parents are ratchet and dysfunctional.


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