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Jay-Z Partnering With The NFL For Social Justice

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this might be my last post about this but why is so much vigor and angst aimed at Jay z when there doesn't seem to be anything aimed at the actual people who can evoke immediate and impactful change?

I haven't seen any tweets directed at the mayor's office in ______, or the police commissioner in _____, or the black Representatives in district _____.

but let's KEEP talking about what two billion dollar establishments are doing as it relates to these issues that neither one of them have any real significant influence to change.

those dudes weren't elected by anyone but your local sheriff who you know, actually was elected doesn't get a peep. your taxes pay their salaries for crying out loud. You have absolutely no say so in that but you can choose to never support the NFL or Jay monetarily, and that's more than ok, but the energy is pointed at them when it shouldn't be

What you stated about people being mad at the wrong entities/people makes a lot of sense if you ignore a lot of prior events leading up to this. Lol. I agree that people shouldn't look to entertainers or these entertainment industries to make or set the standards in our society.

The issue with this whole ordeal is Jay-Z unprovoked stated he was teaming up with a corporation who very openly distanced (or banned) a player and threatened to punish other players for peacefully protesting very serious social issues. Jay-Z has the right to work with any company he chooses under any legal situation he wants but people are upset because it seems like he used those players platform to make money. If he wanted to work with the NFL go for it but don't piss on people's heads and call it rain. Lol. By that I mean don't say you're teaming up with the NFL for the issues the players got ridiculed and black balled for but then don't even have the respect to talk to them and even publicly diminish their efforts to combat said issue.

The NFL has done a horrible job from the beginning trying to keep this issue under control. There is a ton of ways they could've handled this before the narrative got totally hijacked by the current president. The commissioner didn't reach out to the players protesting early enough, he didn't at least give a proper alternative to the players kneeling, the rules were not even set up where the players were legally in the wrong for protesting during the ceremony initially which means they were doing nothing wrong, etc. The whole time the NFL was reacting instead of being proactive which made this spin out of control. Goodell failed the NFL and it's players massively with how he took care of this situation and then when he tried to fix it he pretty much made it even worse by splitting some of the most vocal protesters against the more docile ones in a meeting with the owners.

Jay-Z was brought in from the looks of it to calm a certain demographic and the NFL along with Jay-Z overestimated how bulletproof his persona is. Lmao. Again alot of this looks half planned out and more reactive instead of proactive. When Goodell and Jay-Z did their press run they should've had at least one well thought out initiative to give to the people. Jay-Z should've reached out to the players or at the very least a players union rep and made sure not to minimize the work those players have put in.

Of course getting laws passed will help with the issue of these police officers killing unarmed people but the reason people are roasting this league and Jay-Z is because a few players felt that using their platform to bring awareness to this was important but their employers publicly didn't

What you stated about people being mad at the wrong entities/people makes a lot of sense if you ignore a lot of prior events leading up to this. Lol. I agree that people shouldn't look to entertainers or these entertainment industries to make or set the standards in our society.

The issue with this whole ordeal is Jay-Z unprovoked stated he was teaming up with a corporation who very openly distanced (or banned) a player and threatened to punish other players for peacefully protesting very serious social issues. Jay-Z has the right to work with any company he chooses under any legal situation he wants but people are upset because it seems like he used those players platform to make money. If he wanted to work with the NFL go for it but don't piss on people's heads and call it rain. Lol. By that I mean don't say you're teaming up with the NFL for the issues the players got ridiculed and black balled for but then don't even have the respect to talk to them and even publicly diminish their efforts to combat said issue.

The NFL has done a horrible job from the beginning trying to keep this issue under control. There is a ton of ways they could've handled this before the narrative got totally hijacked by the current president. The commissioner didn't reach out to the players protesting early enough, he didn't at least give a proper alternative to the players kneeling, the rules were not even set up where the players were legally in the wrong for protesting during the ceremony initially which means they were doing nothing wrong, etc. The whole time the NFL was reacting instead of being proactive which made this spin out of control. Goodell failed the NFL and it's players massively with how he took care of this situation and then when he tried to fix it he pretty much made it even worse by splitting some of the most vocal protesters against the more docile ones in a meeting with the owners.

Jay-Z was brought in from the looks of it to calm a certain demographic and the NFL along with Jay-Z overestimated how bulletproof his persona is. Lmao. Again alot of this looks half planned out and more reactive instead of proactive. When Goodell and Jay-Z did their press run they should've had at least one well thought out initiative to give to the people. Jay-Z should've reached out to the players or at the very least a players union rep and made sure not to minimize the work those players have put in.

Of course getting laws passed will help with the issue of these police officers killing unarmed people but the reason people are roasting this league and Jay-Z is because a few players felt that using their platform to bring awareness to this was important but their employers publicly didn't

I agree with a lot of what you said but since woke Twitter has convinced us that Jay is evil, then this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone

so instead of continue to quote his lyrics in some feeble attempt to try and bring light to what's apparently the sun, take that energy and focus or on your local elected officials

and as far as the NFL players are concerned, again, if you wanted this to be a talking point, you have a whole Union lead by a black man who Y'ALL appointed. He should be leading the charge because he's the one at the table discussing the labor practices with goodell and the owners.

but they not gonna say shit to Brees,Brady, Manning, etc because it's only convenient to be apart of the Union when you're benefitting the most from it
I agree with a lot of what you said but since woke Twitter has convinced us that Jay is evil, then this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone

so instead of continue to quote his lyrics in some feeble attempt to try and bring light to what's apparently the sun, take that energy and focus or on your local elected officials

and as far as the NFL players are concerned, again, if you wanted this to be a talking point, you have a whole Union lead by a black man who Y'ALL appointed. He should be leading the charge because he's the one at the table discussing the labor practices with goodell and the owners.

but they not gonna say shit to Brees,Brady, Manning, etc because it's only convenient to be apart of the Union when you're benefitting the most from it


I'm truly only laughing about your NFL players and union comment. I'm sure it's plenty of players who wanted this and many other issues to be talking points but not everybody as evidence to how many players protested before the president spoke out, care about that or any other social issue. We can barely agree on this website about issues and you think that many people, especially the non star players are gonna agree to something that can potentially hurt their earnings? Lmao.

You know better than to post something like that. Lol

I'm truly only laughing about your NFL players and union comment. I'm sure it's plenty of players who wanted this and many other issues to be talking points but not everybody as evidence to how many players protested before the president spoke out, care about that or any other social issue. We can barely agree on this website about issues and you think that many people, especially the non star players are gonna agree to something that can potentially hurt their earnings? Lmao.

You know better than to post something like that. Lol
my point is this

why wait until labor negotiations to talk about anything?

so it has to be collective bargained that the NFL owners don't black ball players who protest?
my point is this

why wait until labor negotiations to talk about anything?

so it has to be collective bargained that the NFL owners don't black ball players who protest?

I know what your point is. Lol.

My point is most players don't care about stuff like that or if they do they will never put it above getting (which is understandable) paid. NFL players due to non fully guaranteed deals are in a sticky situation when it comes to negotiating. you know this as well as I do
Stop. Police brutality been going on way before single parent homes were the norm. That nigga blaming victims and you niggas going right along with it
how did you get that i agree with him?

you see how you just took a piece and tried to make it my truth?
i guess i didnt just blame police and make another point/

Now you’re just throwing out insults and talking angrily. you Literally sick riding Hitler somebody that would have your family killed and Jay z would’ve sold crack to your mom. Low character cornball bitch nigga white man cum swallower.
the white man still helping your pay rent?
better not be late tomorrow to that white mans company
that white man controls your existence.
you dont even control you.


im done speaking with you.
I know what your point is. Lol.

My point is most players don't care about stuff like that or if they do they will never put it above getting (which is understandable) paid. NFL players due to non fully guaranteed deals are in a sticky situation when it comes to negotiating. you know this as well as I do
Which is the point. Why not do two things at once. All it does it give the leverage to the owners that either we give you this money and you shut up or you can try to go play somewhere else if this is an issue for you
Which is the point. Why not do two things at once. All it does it give the leverage to the owners that either we give you this money and you shut up or you can try to go play somewhere else if this is an issue for you

Where are the players going to play with comparable salary?! No place! The NFL can get away with a lot of shit because they don't have real competition. NBA players can make a couple of million playing in China, Euroleague, and some Eurocup teams. Nobody really plays American football outside of America like that.

Those players unless they are willing to take huge pay cuts have to get in line because if they don't, somebody on the practice squad will. Those guys are in a bad situation and have to choose which is more important and as you've seen, along with the rest of the country most of them aren't built for fighting the machine known as the NFL
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Where are the players going to play with comparable salary?! No place! The NFL can get away with a lot of shit because they don't have real competition. NBA players can make a couple of million playing in China, Euroleague, and some Eurocup teams. Nobody really plays American football outside of America like that.

Those players unless they are willing to take huge pay cuts have to get in line because if they don't, somebody on the practice squad will. Those guys are in a bad situation and have to choose which is more important and as you've seen, along with the rest of the country most of them aren't built for fighting the machine known as the NFL
it should be more for a big and strong and fast black man to do.
alot of these dudes are convinced this is their only option because of their build or size. brainwashed to an extent.

where are their options?
where is the people telling them they are more than their athletic ability because they are basically signing up to be a entertainment slave.
the moment you cant perform, then what?

how long have we as black men been entertained too?

how long have we as black men celebrated with and claimed allegiance with the devil before now?

i agree...not a good place to be in.....how do you solve this problem??

or maybe ...those dudes break their back for the devil so their families behind them dont have to.
it should be more for a big and strong and fast black man to do.
alot of these dudes are convinced this is their only option because of their build or size. brainwashed to an extent.

where are their options?
where is the people telling them they are more than their athletic ability because they are basically signing up to be a entertainment slave.
the moment you cant perform, then what?

how long have we as black men been entertained too?

how long have we as black men celebrated with and claimed allegiance with the devil before now?

i agree...not a good place to be in.....how do you solve this problem??

or maybe ...those dudes break their back for the devil so their families behind them dont have to.

Man....... you're all over the place with your response but I think I know why you posted what you did, even if it's slightly off tangent from the quoted post.

I'm looking at this situation from a realistic standpoint and responding as such. The only time I tried to be idealic is when I thought that Jay-Z would approach the situation with caution and respect. Lol. These young men that play football have to go to school for at least 3 years which means they could learn something or gain life long connections to help them if they don't make the pros or when their pro career is over.

Nobody is forcing them to pursue entertainment as their career, they choose to because of the possible reward. This isn't the 1940's or 50's most people know the risk they take chasing this dream and they gladly do so. They have a myriad of tales of what could go wrong, tons of people trying to assist them from not going broke, and examples of people who look just like them and grew up similar that are successful and didn't go the entertainment route.

I'm not knocking them for providing for their families and I respect the ones who didn't publicly say any derogatory comments during all of this while not protesting. I say that because I know not everybody is built to publicly protest and many can't afford to lose the little they have.
Where are the players going to play with comparable salary?! No place! The NFL can get away with a lot of shit because they don't have real competition. NBA players can make a couple of million playing in China, Euroleague, and some Eurocup teams. Nobody really plays American football outside of America like that.

Those players unless they are willing to take huge pay cuts have to get in line because if they don't, somebody on the practice squad will. Those guys are in a bad situation and have to choose which is more important and as you've seen, along with the rest of the country most of them aren't built for fighting the machine known as the NFL
it should be more for a big and strong and fast black man to do.
alot of these dudes are convinced this is their only option because of their build or size. brainwashed to an extent.

where are their options?
where is the people telling them they are more than their athletic ability because they are basically signing up to be a entertainment slave.
the moment you cant perform, then what?

how long have we as black men been entertained too?

how long have we as black men celebrated with and claimed allegiance with the devil before now?

i agree...not a good place to be in.....how do you solve this problem??

or maybe ...those dudes break their back for the devil so their families behind them dont have to.

Of course they have more to do most nfl won’t play for 15 years. But realistically a physically talented American athlete is supposed to not play a pro sport that makes a lot of money in a short amount of time?