So rosenberg got offended at the synagouge of satan bar?
First of Rosenberg, what the fuck you expect? farrakhan been going at the synagouge of satan for decades. And Jay Elec been nothing if not loyal to the minister his whole career.
Not to mention the synagaouge of satan is a christian term made up by early christians to point out fake jews masqaurading as jews. It was never pointed at judiasm and it was never about all jews.
And further more, Farrakhan always follows up any mention of the synagouge of satan by saying real jews are good, friends, and should expose the fake jews amongst them.
But even more than that, Rosenberg is a white jew who grew up in a middle class to high middle class family but made his career in hip hop and never showed that he was offended by all the violent, drug rap in hip hop. We all love hip hop, but that mfer is misogynistic as fuck, especially against black women cause its black culture, and not once did rosenberg say he was offended.
But 1 bar about jews and hes offended? And it wasnt even a fuck jews bar. It was a most jews are good but the tall israeli running hip hop could eat a dick type of bar.
Time for rosenberg to get kicked out the culture.