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Issa Rae says Season 3 of ‘Insecure’ will focus on “toxic black male masculinity“…


Issa Rae Teases Black Masculinity Will Be the Theme for ‘Insecure’ Season 3

Issa Rae is smack-dab in the middle of production on season three of HBO’s Golden Globe-nominated Insecure. While the co-creator, co-showrunner, and star sees the success of her afro-centric exploration of young black Los Angelinos as a blessing, she also experiences a large portion of that responsibility as a toll. Heavy weighs the crown, and fortunately for us—Rae doesn’t mind sharing what that’s like, as we eagerly anticipate a whole new season of Issa, Molly, and Lawrence trying to navigate their 20s.

Being a triple threat—funny, beautiful, talented—might seem like the winning lottery ticket, but it ain’t always easy. “So many actors have the luxury of just going in to play a part, and I just feel like I know too much sometimes,” said Rae in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “I wish I could turn my brain off!”

When everybody looks to you as the one in charge, it can get taxing to find solutions 100 percent of the time. According to Rae, the hardest part of showbiz is exactly that. “Having answers for everything and having to take all of the responsibility,” she said. “As a creator, you think you’re just going to create, but there are so many moving parts and so many business aspects.” She explained that “sometimes I want to be in actor mode, not producer mode, or vice versa.”

Of course, having an incredibly enthusiastic fanbase makes things a little easier, as Rae claimed the amount of love the first season received made it incredibly easy to jump back into the creative process. “We were just so excited by social media feedback and people being so into the show that we were all invigorated by how much people were invested in the show,” she explained.

As for the highly anticipated third season of her show, Rae reveals one of the overarching themes of the upcoming batch of episodes, while retaining an understandable sense of mystery. “I don’t want to give anything away!" Rae said. “But I love black masculinity as it relates to black women. I think that’s something interesting that we haven’t gotten a chance to explore yet—and specifically toxic male black masculinity as it relates to black women. I’m trying to find a way to explore that and get a rounded storyline that isn’t preachy.”

For those of us slowly but surely transitioning into our 30s, the upcoming season might lend an extra oomph to that process. “This season is about adulating in a new way,” Rae explained. “I think we’ve watched out characters really fumble and fuck up—and in some ways in your 20s you are allowed that—but this season is about not acting like you’re naive anymore or that you don’t know better. So it is about, what does it look like to know better and to do better?”

Fortunately, we won’t have to wait much longer—and will get to find that out on Aug. 12.
My fault

I assumed you didn't like the subject matter

It's a really good show imo. I know they are gonna do this subject justice

Oh nah I just never seen the show. Not sure I really understand what the phrase toxic masculinity means either.
That term toxic masculinity has officially been beaten to the ground goddamn. I don't watch this show anyway but it needs to be said.

Also why does it seem that black masculinity is now the first thing singled out when discussing "toxic masculinity"? I say that cause I also.saw this on TV the other night

It's a narrative directed by American white women and everybody else seems to be wearing it like it's a new hat.
I’m telling y’all shes gonna have a white male love interest at some point this season.

Too many black folks soak up this trojan horse of how toxic black masculinity is. It's nothing but a movement against straight black men in order to curb our reproduction. The main thing key to our continued existence. Black masculinity is only toxic when it is not progressive to our survival. To solve that problem you teach our boys to have good character. Be honorable. Capable of leadership. Warriors. Responsible. Men worthy of being respected. But they never have that type of discussion in the same room of toxic black masculinity.

What they do instead is holler out toxic black masculinity and then throw in homosexual behavior some where. Notice they never talk about black femininity being toxic to our boys. Who here remembers the thread of that Princess Boy on the IC? Shit was crazy right? Well, they trying to say that is the norm now.

Little Richard said long ago that he didn't get to play in the white clubs until he started wearing make up. The gay negroe is non-threatening to white supremacy which fears genetic annihilation. When these black folks talk of "toxic masculinity" it's just helping our enemies spread corruption among our people.
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Sounds like all types of Femtep shit will commence all season.

Get ready for Lawrence doing fuckery all season long, and every half-way-to-gay “we hate these niggas” black female throwing us all in his shitty boat.

Pass like a Doug Flutie Hail Mary.

Too many black folks soak up this trojan horse of how toxic black masculinity is. It's nothing but a movement against straight black men in order to curb our reproduction. The main thing key to our continued existence. Black masculinity is only toxic when it is not progressive to our survival. To solve that problem you teach our boys to have good character. Be honorable. Capable of leadership. Warriors. Responsible. Men worthy of being respected. But they never have that type of discussion in the same room of toxic black masculinity.

What they do instead is holler out toxic black masculinity and then throw in homosexual behavior some where. Notice they never talk about black femininity being toxic to our boys. Who here remembers the thread of that Princess Boy on the IC? Shit was crazy right? Well, they trying to say that is the norm now.

Little Richard said long ago that he didn't get to play in the white clubs until he started wearing make up. The gay negroe is non-threatening to white supremacy which fears genetic annihilation. When these black folks talk of "toxic masculinity" it's just helping our enemies spread corruption among our people.
I would like to see an "InSecure" show narrated and written from a male perspective. Just to get a conversation going regarding women doing "fuck girls" shit as males were outed as fuck-boys on this show
Too many black folks soak up this trojan horse of how toxic black masculinity is. It's nothing but a movement against straight black men in order to curb our reproduction. The main thing key to our continued existence. Black masculinity is only toxic when it is not progressive to our survival. To solve that problem you teach our boys to have good character. Be honorable. Capable of leadership. Warriors. Responsible. Men worthy of being respected. But they never have that type of discussion in the same room of toxic black masculinity.

What they do instead is holler out toxic black masculinity and then throw in homosexual behavior some where. Notice they never talk about black femininity being toxic to our boys. Who here remembers the thread of that Princess Boy on the IC? Shit was crazy right? Well, they trying to say that is the norm now.

Little Richard said long ago that he didn't get to play in the white clubs until he started wearing make up. The gay negroe is non-threatening to white supremacy which fears genetic annihilation. When these black folks talk of "toxic masculinity" it's just helping our enemies spread corruption among our people.

The goal of this new feminist bullshit is to get to a point where men are docile and easy to manipulate and control. This is why the term "toxic masculinity" was born. because a guy like this:


is far more compliant and easier to manipulate than a masculine, macho male who'll tell a broad to shut the fuck up and fix him a sammich or just to get the fuck outta her face with the bullshit she's talkin.
That term toxic masculinity has officially been beaten to the ground goddamn. I don't watch this show anyway but it needs to be said.

Also why does it seem that black masculinity is now the first thing singled out when discussing "toxic masculinity"? I say that cause I also.saw this on TV the other night

It's a narrative directed by American white women and everybody else seems to be wearing it like it's a new hat.

Black people can talk about toxic masculinity tho. It does impact us. The whole bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks is some shit niggas live by. The whole 70% of black kids born to single moms, i don't see a problem with us discussing or covering shit that alot of us deal with.

I think we a lil too sensitive too criticism and we ignore valid shit we can work on.