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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

Also lets all agree to stop calling this a holy war.

This is a war over land and resources.

the media and propaganga can dress this up as a holy war all it wants.

End of the day, Palestinians want their land back. Israelies want more land.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, thats what the war is for. Nothing to with Muslims vs Jews.
Also lets all agree to stop calling this a holy war.

This is a war over land and resources.

the media and propaganga can dress this up as a holy war all it wants.

End of the day, Palestinians want their land back. Israelies want more land.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, thats what the war is for. Nothing to with Muslims vs Jews.
But that's how it's presented by conservative Christians to emotionally manipulate support for Isreal and there are people in that región who truly believe a sky wizard gave them that land

We can't pretend that the poisonous ideology doesn't play a part
I can see the ignorance in this thread is going to be mind-blowing.

My sympathies to all the innocent folk who are caught up in this. None of them mfers would ride for black people tho so not gonna catch me caping for nobody.
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It's called a roof knock. They hit the top of the building with a small bomb to let the folk inside and around know they should make themselves scarce then later the building is destroyed. See the video below.

The Gaza Strip is the most densely populated place on Earth, everywhere is heavily populated. Hamas launches strikes and operates from places of particularly high concentration so the retaliatory strikes by Israel can be used as propaganda. The real leadership of Hamas lives in Qatar. Israel's government is so right wing that they recognize this but don't care enough to change the modus operandi.

Edit: Before anyone thinks that roof knocking sounds humane, it's not. Destroyed buildings are destroyed infrastructure. You are both removing potential housing and amenities and also creating the massive task of debris removal for an already struggling group - and that's the best case scenario where everyone was actually able to get away.
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So far CNN has been all over this.

CNN is one of the more pro-zionist major news outlets from what i've seen in their coverage of anything related to Israel over the years so you have to be sure to read between the lines with them - everything is basically from the Israeli perspective.
Honestly never was a fan of Hamas. I always felt they hurt the Palestinian cause more than they helped.

There was always talks that Hamas got their orders from Mossad. Not saying I believe that, but I will say Hamas has always been a very convenient existence for Israel.

Im not picking sides and saying who is right or wrong. I will say though that Israel will never be happy until there is not a single Palestinian left in Israel.

That said, Hamas will also never be until there are no Isrealis left in Palestine.

That out the way, lets keep things fair. Israel is an apartheid state. On top of that, Israel is in a situation where Netanyahu is a fucking thief stealing and taking bribes. For Netanyahu to not get jailed, hes had to stay in power. And for him to stay in power, hes leaned into more and more of the right wing of his country.

Every election hes been reaching out more and more to the racists. So this works out perfect for him.

Netanyahu and his party will milk this as much as they can.

And so will Hamas.
That girl Hamas (who are terrorists btw, just keeping things fair) killed that was in the back of that truck was actually German. Fucked up that her mom had to see her daughter's half naked body paraded around and spit on like that. Apparently she had a son, pray that kid never sees that video.
about the number of israelis killed.. not so much about the palestinians caught in the response tho
Al Jazeera is saying close to 900 plus Israeli's are dead
I'd bet that thousands of Palestinians have been killed
How could Israeli intelligence not see this shit coming at all? I’m not a conspiracy theory guy but seriously how fucking incompetent can they be? These dudes came in on fucking para gliders. Hamas definitely plays Pub G.
Dudes are clearly using communication methods that's not being monitored by the Pentagon or IDF