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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

I ain't saying that shit is right, but that whole "we gonna block traffic" kinda protest begs for reactions like this. People are already agitated under normal traffic conditions. It's kinda inevitable that someone is going to snap and pull shit like that when they see a protest making shit worse.
I think more and more people are coming out against Israel becuse they're trying to do 2 things simultaneously. They're trying to get sympathy, like they need our help and support to fight back these terrorist that are overwhelming them, but at the same time they're trying to bully people into only supporting whatever they do, and you cant ask questions, just gotta look down and agree. Stuff like that isnt going to work. Its really starting to piss people off.

A great example is on reddit. I've been observing it since the start of this conflict, and whatever mods in r/worldnews & r/news are clearly jewish and super pro Israel. Watch any post about Israel that gets a lot of comments or makes it to the front page. When you scroll down, all you see is a massive amount of comments deleted and all thats left is super pro Israel stuff like its a message board in Israel. Any post thats critical of Israel, they find any excuse to lock and delete it.

Yes I know that they're anti-semitic people that flood those threads to spew hate, and I understand they need to be deleted, but theres no way the numbers are that high that the only thing thats left is comments praising Israel and or calling the other side animals that need to be killed. Clearly the rules arnt being enforced fairly.