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Is This Child Abuse?

Is This Child Abuse?

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I forget what country, but I think one country in Europe has been documenting trans people longer and more accurately than America. You could check that out. Sweden maybe? I can't remember, but you can probably find it.

Honestly, the cultural differences between a place like Sweden and the USA make any information I'd get kinda useless. There just really isn't any sort of barometer we can look at.
Maybe that's one of the reasons that I'm not as up in arms and outraged as some of y'all. In the vast majority of these cases, the shit isn't even gonna matter. It's gonna turn out being just like any other thing that a young ass child thinks, is into, believes, wants, etc: Dropped by the wayside as they get older and more familiar with themselves and the world.

And for the kids that grow up and still feel the same and continue living that life, let them niggas do whatever they wanna do. *shrugs*
For some of us it's really mostly about introducing surgery and sex change to kids at a young age. Right now I believe as young as 16 can get steroid/hormone injections/puberty stoppers (can't remember the actual name) but I've read somewhere they are pushing for as young as 12 which makes no sense.
For some of us it's really mostly about introducing surgery and sex change to kids at a young age. Right now I believe as young as 16 can get steroid/hormone injections/puberty stoppers (can't remember the actual name) but I've read somewhere they are pushing for as young as 12 which makes no sense.

And I understand that. That would be my only concern. But I've yet to see these parents that everyone is concerned about who force/allow their 12 year olds to have reassignment surgery or whatever. It just doesn't happen. I hesitate to say 'at all', but pretty close to it. I honestly think most parents feel like I described in my post .'Let this title nigga wear whatever he wants. He's 6. Whatever. In a few years he'll realize he's wildin' and switch it up. And if he doesn't, then maybe it's just something I don't understand and it is what it is.'

I dunno, man.
Honestly, the cultural differences between a place like Sweden and the USA make any information I'd get kinda useless. There just really isn't any sort of barometer we can look at.

I hear you. It just may give a look at if gender reassignment surgery does help with suicide and things like that in the trans community.
And I understand that. That would be my only concern. But I've yet to see these parents that everyone is concerned about who force/allow their 12 year olds to have reassignment surgery or whatever. It just doesn't happen. I hesitate to say 'at all', but pretty close to it. I honestly think most parents feel like I described in my post .'Let this title nigga wear whatever he wants. He's 6. Whatever. In a few years he'll realize he's wildin' and switch it up. And if he doesn't, then maybe it's just something I don't understand and it is what it is.'

I dunno, man.
Lol naw this shit is gaining traction. They're trying to pass bills to stop gender reassignment and hormone injections on kids 16 and younger and some people have a problem with that.

If u or any others care to read...

Some highlights:
If you cant get married before 18 you shouldn't be allowed to get gender reassignment before 18 either!!

There are plenty of states when you can get married before 18. This is a terrible argument. Lol. But yeah, I can't think of any reason to allow gender reassignment surgery or hormones and shit like that until you're an adult.
There are plenty of states when you can get married before 18. This is a terrible argument. Lol. But yeah, I can't think of any reason to allow gender reassignment surgery or hormones and shit like that until you're an adult.
With ot without parental consent? Without consent I wasnt aware of. However in MOST places you cant make a life decision like marriage, which can be undone, but you can change your gender which cannot be undone is insane to me.

I mean in a medical sense I get it start the change before puberty ends to make the transition easier but ffs we're now finding the brain isnt fully developed until age 25 but you can decide for sure for sure you wanna change gender? Not buying that shit. Nope.
My son is 3 and wants to be Spiderman. You think he out here jumping off buildings and fighting crime.
Ain't no way in hell he wants to be a girl unless it's been introduced to him.
Go adopt girls if that's the case.
When shit was normal. I wanted to be Spider-Man at that age too and got halloween pics dressed as Spidey. Now boys dressing as girls smh.
gender reassignment

im so glad im married.

wont be able to say a chick got a phat ass no more in a few years.
might be complimenting a dude.

just yuck...and NH

I work with a trans person. A male that identifies as female. It's funny cuz we will have visitors and some will push up on him. I sit quietly and just watch wondering if they know and they are into it or if they are completely fooled. Smh
I work with a trans person. A male that identifies as female. It's funny cuz we will have visitors and some will push up on him. I sit quietly and just watch wondering if they know and they are into it or if they are completely fooled. Smh
I used to work with a dude chick once.
Didn't know until it was at a stall in the bathroom with a perm.

Then a guy pulled up once an tried to holla at the dude chick. We all just stood an laughed.

I got a crazy blind date story......But now ain't the time
My sample size is small but there are people who support transgender but not transracial

Lol I've asked where's the line but ion think anyone knows

so a boy born w/ a penis, testicles & XY chromosomes can suddenly identify as if they have a vagina, ovaries & XX chromosomes?

but someone can't identify as if they're not as melanin deficient?
