Is the conscious community frauds?

You said the NMAAHC is surface level stuff. It's not. You stated something flat out wrong. You said it was curated by white people which is also wrong and you can easily see simply by checking their website.

Also you're ignoring other museums across the country probably most notably the Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture started by Arturo Schomberg and who gathered and put together much of the research that's now been expounded upon and included in these museums across the country.
Ok cool. Well this is for the benefit of Crenshaw/South LA and for people who can't make it to those other spots.

Nothing y'all conjure up can make this a negative thing
Tariq went to a basic Black art museum in California, and pointed out artwork, bleh artwork, called it history and used it as a call to action to fundraise his "Hidden History" museum.

My thing is, after a certain age, do people get tired of being lied to?

Tariq is cool when you are 21 and don't know shit about Black history and you got some relatively young guy who sounds like he knows what he is talking about, telling you about Moors and shit. But these be 30 plus and still on the bullshit.

Who the fuck cares about museum when you don't got 2 pennies to rub together? Why do these hotep, conscious motherfuckers always trying to build some bullshit that nobody needs? People already donated 86K to this bullshit.

You got a Black man, fundraising a million dollars, for a piece of bullshit, during a fucking pandemic. This shit is more egregious than Jeff Bezos going to outer space during a pandemic. At least Jeff Bezos people got money. You could be fundraising for a communal kitchen, rent relief, debt relief. Eight-teen year old White boys get on Twitch and fundraise for ALS and Autism. Overgrown Black men fundraise for vanity projects that nobody asked for.

"I'ma build a school."

"I'ma make a museum."

Tariq could be 100 museums with his Hidden Colors bullshit, it won't change a damn thing, just like his DVDs didn't change shit. I can't fucking wait until these Gen X hotep type mofos die out. Always taking the gullible and stupid money for their own pet projects nobody gives a fuck about.

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Someone needs to do a psychological study about why Hoteps be so concerned about Black men being emasculated through rape by non-Black men.

Of course, Black male slaves were sexually assaulted, a lot of the times by women masters more often than you expect, all you have to do is read Rethinking Rufus.

Right-wing White men worry about non-White men sexually assaulting White women.

But all these hoteps be worrying about a Black man getting his ass taken, whether in the past, the present or the future.

Listen to Tariq talk "Buckbreaking" through out there years. It's like he's excited to talk about the shit. Tariq, for almost 20 years, has been talking about Black men getting sexually assault by White men. Same with all these Illuminati believing Hoteps, you gotta suck dick to get into the Hip Hop industry dudes, they be low key excited.
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chill yall.... they bout to get a museum someday

Half the museum gonna be about buckbreaking.

You know since Race Play won a Tony, watch Tariq make a play about buckbreaking.

"Listen here family, we need to tell the truth and shame the devil. You have negro bedwenches and non-FBA Blacks out here, supporting filth like the play Race Play, disrespecting our ancestors. What we need to do family, is create our plays to counteract the narrative. I've been creating Black media going on 15 something years now. So what I'ma do, no we are gonna do, is make a play about what really went on them plantations. That's right family, Buckbreaking is going to be play."