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Is the conscious community frauds?

You're misunderstanding.

We. Don't. Care. About. The. Extras.

We appreciate how he challenges our enemy and exposes their ways.

That's all there is to it, Stanisha

you been in this thread defending him left and right

thats your boy
Okay so does anyone think that he will deliver something of substance with all of the various donations he has received? That anything tangible will be delivered from the fba conference?

On one hand you are stating that he is rich. On the other hand, it has also been argued that there is no money in race hustling. And yet none of his endeavors are funded by his own supposed wealth. So, there ain't no money in it, except, for the money that he himself is getting?

Do you not see a problem with him using crowd sourced money to deliver products that immediately cease to be supported once they are offered to the public? Real question.

If you want to say you dont care what he does or doesnt do as long as he keeps talking shit on social media that's cool. But the question was is he fraudulent if that's all he does, and the answer is plainly yes.