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Is Reading Overrated?


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Aight before yall kill me


I'm not saying knowing HOW to read is overrated, I'm talking about doing it as a hobby.

I know women who are impressed when a guy says he likes to read or when somebody says they just read a novel it comes off as if they're somewhat smart.

But in 2019 is reading really that necessary? Is someone who watches documentaries , interviews, etc to research a subject any less smart or informed than someone else who read the book that the doc summed up in 20 mins?​
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it's underrated imo...

reading is amazing. not from a intellectual standpoint, but from an experience standpoint.

it's a different way of enjoying art..

like you may watch a great movie... but they're doing a lot of the work for you. they give you how the people look, they give you how the action takes place, they give you how the special effects look..

when you read, all that shit is up to the writers words and your imagination....

no i have seen some movies that were as good as the book, and some movies that were better than the books...

but there was some stories that were so great in fiction, i kinda wish everybody knew what i was talking about...

like my favorite two book series of allllll time are Easy Rawlings and the vampire chronicles.

they have a total of 3 movies.

two are pretty damn good, one is just okay....

and we might talk about the movies a little, but those are not my favorite movies....

but i can go on and on and on about the books, cuz they're my favorite books hands down...

like there were reports once of a easy rawlings movie with geffory wright as easy and mos def as mouse, i almost lost my shit.... but it never happened...

they've been talking about doing a vampire chronicles series like GOT or walking dead for decades... just never happened....and i have a feeling they won't even do it right if they do adapt them...

so i mean it is what it is....

Jurrasic park one of my favorite movies...the book was good, and much more extensive, but i still like the movie more.....
fight club, favorite movie of all time, hated the book, godfather.. great movie, better book, but prolly not my top 10 books at all. godfather easily top 10 movies.....

interview with the vampire and queen of the damned follow lestat..

but lestats best story imo were tale of the body theif and memnoch the devil...

like those two stories fucked my head up so much, i almost don't want to see them on screen, bcuz i'm afraid they will fuck it up
Reading is just a medium for entertainment/information. I don't think any is better than another. Readers do have a certain personality type I think. Good imagination, a certain lvl of patience, loner etc.
you calling me a loner bruh?
i don't read much non-fiction though....i do want to read Malcolm x autobiography..

i think it's time...

i just get bored with non-fiction
Reading is underrated, still the best way to tell a story, real or fake. Documentaries are fine but you're basically getting the abridged version of whatever it's based on. Compare how much more detail there is in GoT/ASOIAF books vs the tv show and that sums the difference up.

Nah i aint rolling. Nobody's making threads about the fuckin book fam lol

Seeing the actors and the cgi on screen >>>>> trying to imagine the shit in your head
Nah i aint rolling. Nobody's making threads about the fuckin book fam lol

They got whole forums and wikis dedicated to the book. Fuck you know about Strong Belwas and Cold Hands? Book Euron makes tv show Euron look like a bitch, but they couldn't add alla the stuff from the books that makes him so good of a character.
you calling me a loner bruh?

Reading is underrated, still the best way to tell a story, real or fake. Documentaries are fine but you're basically getting the abridged version of whatever it's based on. Compare how much more detail there is in GoT/ASOIAF books vs the tv show and that sums the difference up.
Very true. The amount of information/detail you can put in a book is unrivaled.

Nah i aint rolling. Nobody's making threads about the fuckin book fam lol

Seeing the actors and the cgi on screen >>>>> trying to imagine the shit in your head
I disagree. That's only because movies are the more popular form of entertainment.
Imagination trumps all to me.

They got whole forums and wikis dedicated to the book. Fuck you know about Strong Belwas and Cold Hands? Book Euron makes tv show Euron look like a bitch, but they couldn't add alla the stuff from the books that makes him so good of a character.

Where is the book thread on here?

For every book thread u can find on the net, i can find 100 for the show.

Let's not pretend like it's even close fam.

Is there things left out from the book? Ofc, but there's also things that's been added. Plus you're seeing it with your own eyes.
You mean strictly from an entertainment purpose? Cause there are a million studies that prove how beneficial reading is. In all aspects. Shit there was one recently how about how almost all succesful people are avid readers.

Brain graphs of people who read regularly have much more active brains which leads to them being smarter/quicker/wittier etc.

On the other hand, other forms of entertainement is proven to be damaging. TV, computers, phones are all proven to be hurting us in some way or another.

So again, strictly off entertainement? I can see a point being made that electronics are more entertaining than a book.

But you cant look at all the benefits of reading and say its overrated as a whole.