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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Nah can’t agree w that one

If you're Black and you have a fear of illegal aliens (an offensive term btw and that's be design) coming and taking something from you, then you should take a look at who is sending you this message and what have they already taken from you. What have they been withholding from you? What have those same actors that want you, a Black person, to fear illegal aliens already done that is detrimental to you?
Black people going hard on illegal aliens are too far gone to see that they have been brainwashed by Republican media
Fuck out of here illegal aliens are displacing our black children

Do you care more about illegal aliens or black children ?
But were we not talking about recently lol not the 90s bruh. So as of today which is relevant to the conversation men and fathers can get help.

I pointed out to Los that, historically, these programs were structured in such a way that it broke up families or prevented them from forming in the first place by incentivizing keeping Black fathers out of the homes. The point being that this was all the design of the Democrats in office at the time they were drafted. Los, who I was directly replying to, made the comment that Black men are mad 'cause we don't have a WIC-type program (which he jokingly called MIC) as a way to measure political gains.

Everything I was saying revolves around the Democrats being the party to break up the Black family. Gotta remember, the Dems were the party of the southern slave owners. They voted against every single civil rights bill presented all the way through the 60's.
If you're Black and you have a fear of illegal aliens (an offensive term btw and that's be design) coming and taking something from you, then you should take a look at who is sending you this message and what have they already taken from you. What have they been withholding from you? What have those same actors that want you, a Black person, to fear illegal aliens already done that is detrimental to you?

They won’t ask these questions.
If you're Black and you have a fear of illegal aliens (an offensive term btw and that's be design) coming and taking something from you, then you should take a look at who is sending you this message and what have they already taken from you. What have they been withholding from you? What have those same actors that want you, a Black person, to fear illegal aliens already done that is detrimental to you?
Bro I’m living this shit everyday I’m seeing how a city which has managed to ignore black ppl and their issues didn’t have a problem spending 1 billion plus on accommodating 50k migrants in less than 2 years
Bro I’m living this shit everyday I’m seeing how a city which has managed to ignore black ppl and their issues didn’t have a problem spending 1 billion plus on accommodating 50k migrants in less than 2 years

Ok so if they took away the help for migrants would the help then go to Black people on Chicago? Would they direct that money to the black neighborhoods? I’m not trying to do a gotcha ijs were they helping us before the last two years?
If you're Black and you have a fear of illegal aliens (an offensive term btw and that's be design) coming and taking something from you, then you should take a look at who is sending you this message and what have they already taken from you. What have they been withholding from you? What have those same actors that want you, a Black person, to fear illegal aliens already done that is detrimental to you?

They're in this country illegally whether they snuck across the border or overstayed a visa. Aliens because they're foreign nationals, not originally of this country.

Therefore they're "illegal aliens" and regardless of how you feel about it, it accurately describes their status whether you like it or not.
Ok so if they took away the help for migrants would the help then go to Black people on Chicago? Would they direct that money to the black neighborhoods? I’m not trying to do a gotcha ijs were they helping us before the last two years?

I don't think that's the point.

Illegal aliens flood the border, suddenly the city has a billie to spend housing and feeding those that were sent there.

Well.. Where, exactly the fuck, was this money when Black folks needed it (and still need it)??? They wouldn't have spent an extra dime on Black folks but a bunch of Mexicans and various Central/South American nationals cross the border and suddenly there's all this money to spend.
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Ok so if they took away the help for migrants would the help then go to Black people on Chicago? Would they direct that money to the black neighborhoods? I’m not trying to do a gotcha ijs were they helping us before the last two years?
Well seeing as they are trying placate the obviously angry black voting population by now throwing money around black communities I’d say yes

Actually we following our own history. Black democrat simps will never learn and only regurgitate a response for they party. Ain't even bother to google the letter like I mentioned.

The Forgotten Letter of Coretta Scott King​

“We are concerned, Senator Hatch” Coretta Scott King wrote in her now largely forgotten letter, “That your proposed remedy…will cause another problem—the revival of …discrimination against black and brown U.S. documented workers, in favor of cheap labor"


Don't all speak at once. Cat got your tongue??

If you live in a rust belt state that has a Republican controlled House or Senate or a Republican Governor, what does your education system look like? What's you public school funding look like? Are charter schools being pushed hard in your state by state legislatures? Is abortion legal?

Mind you, I'm not talking about states in the Great Plains, or the East Coast. I'm specifically talking about Rust belt states. Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York. What do these states have in common?

They have Republican legislatures that are going hard to reform education and defund public schools. Take away women's rights. Ban abortion. Prioritize the white race.

This is why immigration is such a huge topic in these states. Republicans are running on immigration in rust belt states because their base is racist and they love that shit. Their base loves getting rid of any race that's not white. Running on immigration is how Republicans get their racist base out to vote in November. Their is no threat of Mexicans crossing the border taking jobs from Black people in rust belt states.

Think. What jobs are they taking from Black people in rust belt states? What are Mexicans taking from niggas in Ohio? Pennsylvania? Wisconsin? What are they taking in rust belt states that's more prudent than what happens in border states like Texas?

Black people are are NOT being prioritized by Republicans. We are being used as propaganda to rile up their base in rust belt states. This is why we have NIGGAS peddling Republican talking points in RUST BELT states.

You are being used as a political pawn by Republicans to motivate their base.

Watch any campaign ad for a Republican in a rust belt state. You have State House Representatives and State Senators that are not running for seats in Congress in D.C. but local State seats, running campaign ads saying that they are tough on the border.

My nigga, you are a State Senator in Ohio. You don't do work outside of Ohio. What border are you tough on? Niggas need to really pay attention to who is sending you these messages.

Why are Republican politicians that do not work outside of their rust belt states campaigning so hard about the Mexican borer that is 2,000 miles away? It's not because Mexicans are taking jobs and resources from you nigga. It's because they know it's a racist talking point that will bring their base out to vote and they are pointing at your Black ass and saying "Look nigga, are you going to let these Mexicans take your jobs (that we don't want you to have either) or take these resources? (that we don't want to give to your Black ass either)" and niggas are eating that shit up.

Propaganda. You've been had.
Seeing all this So the ppl wanted to vote on whether Chicago should remain a sanctuary city

And the city council said fuck outta here we not even letting y’all vote on it

So your problem isn't with the the illegal aliens. It's with the local government.

No. Neither candidate won't help black folks imo.

I have always stated that black folks sit this one out.
If you live in a rust belt state that has a Republican controlled House or Senate or a Republican Governor, what does your education system look like? What's you public school funding look like? Are charter schools being pushed hard in your state by state legislatures? Is abortion legal?

Mind you, I'm not talking about states in the Great Plains, or the East Coast. I'm specifically talking about Rust belt states. Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York. What do these states have in common?

They have Republican legislatures that are going hard to reform education and defund public schools. Take away women's rights. Ban abortion. Prioritize the white race.

This is why immigration is such a huge topic in these states. Republicans are running on immigration in rust belt states because their base is racist and they love that shit. Their base loves getting rid of any race that's not white. Running on immigration is how Republicans get their racist base out to vote in November. Their is no threat of Mexicans crossing the border taking jobs from Black people in rust belt states.

Think. What jobs are they taking from Black people in rust belt states? What are Mexicans taking from niggas in Ohio? Pennsylvania? Wisconsin? What are they taking in rust belt states that's more prudent than what happens in border states like Texas?

Black people are are NOT being prioritized by Republicans. We are being used as propaganda to rile up their base in rust belt states. This is why we have NIGGAS peddling Republican talking points in RUST BELT states.

You are being used as a political pawn by Republicans to motivate their base.

Watch any campaign ad for a Republican in a rust belt state. You have State House Representatives and State Senators that are not running for seats in Congress in D.C. but local State seats, running campaign ads saying that they are tough on the border.

My nigga, you are a State Senator in Ohio. You don't do work outside of Ohio. What border are you tough on? Niggas need to really pay attention to who is sending you these messages.

Why are Republican politicians that do not work outside of their rust belt states campaigning so hard about the Mexican borer that is 2,000 miles away? It's not because Mexicans are taking jobs and resources from you nigga. It's because they know it's a racist talking point that will bring their base out to vote and they are pointing at your Black ass and saying "Look nigga, are you going to let these Mexicans take your jobs (that we don't want you to have either) or take these resources? (that we don't want to give to your Black ass either)" and niggas are eating that shit up.

Propaganda. You've been had.

1. When has education been great for black folks? Give me a year and time, we can go back as far slavery, education provided by the president and their policies has always been in the dumps for black folks, from the Black Panthers era to the Brown vs Board of Education era. HBCUs has always lacked funding