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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

If you're Black and you have a fear of illegal aliens (an offensive term btw and that's be design) coming and taking something from you, then you should take a look at who is sending you this message and what have they already taken from you. What have they been withholding from you? What have those same actors that want you, a Black person, to fear illegal aliens already done that is detrimental to you?
LMAO at thinking the Latinos or Asians that come here legally or illegally is less anti-black than white people that’s here. And the white folks that come here legally or illegally are worse than the ones here


They are not on our side or even neutral when it comes to us
LMAO at thinking the Latinos or Asians that come here legally or illegally is less anti-black than white people that’s here. And the white folks that come here legally or illegally are worse than the ones here


They are not on our side or even neutral when it comes to us
And then the criminality too
Ya'll can argue about this as much as you want but i cant imagine the data agrees with Kamala is the best pick to run for president in the democratic party. Personally ive bought into "the conspiracies" but i know people on here would blow that off, so there is no point of that.

What data?

Money or polling? She's clearing everybody in both.
What you're saying isn't exactly true. The Department of Education does impact education across the country quite a bit. It's influence has weakened, but that is in part to the actions of Republican administrations. It's not really accurate to act like Kamala's pick for the Secretary of the Department of Education would have no impact on education across the country.

I didn't say what happens in the Department of Education has no impact. I just said that what happens in your state has a bigger impact on you directly than what happens at the federal level.

If this wasn't true than all of our kids would be reading the bible and textbooks with no mention of slavery with thousands of books being banned. Some of this is already happening in several states but it's not widely adopted on the national scale. Hence why I said what happens in your state has a bigger impact on you directly.
Question for niggas who ask what do Democrats do for Black people.

None of this says that it was targeted specifically or only for Black people. So does it count?

Also, look at this list and tell me how these things do not directly impact Black people or do niggas need polices to exclude everyone but Black people for it to be acceptable?

I didn't say what happens in the Department of Education has no impact. I just said that what happens in your state has a bigger impact on you directly than what happens at the federal level.

If this wasn't true than all of our kids would be reading the bible and textbooks with no mention of slavery with thousands of books being banned. Some of this is already happening in several states but it's not widely adopted on the national scale. Hence why I said what happens in your state has a bigger impact on you directly.

That's true. My point is that can change to some degree. An administration that actually cares to restrict the bullshit that states pull with regard to education could do that. It's the same as with any other department.
That's true. My point is that can change to some degree. An administration that actually cares to restrict the bullshit that states pull with regard to education could do that. It's the same as with any other department.

Not when you have a slim majority and a Conservative SCOTUS
Not when you have a slim majority and a Conservative SCOTUS

Not everything that departments do has to be vetted by Congress or SCOTUS. The Department of Education did a lot of shitty things under previous administrations and they didn't need Congressional approval. There's also the fact that Republicans want to eliminate federal oversight altogether, so putting Trump in office or a weak Dem that won't fight stuff like that would be bad in that way too.
Ya'll can argue about this as much as you want but i cant imagine the data agrees with Kamala is the best pick to run for president in the democratic party. Personally ive bought into "the conspiracies" but i know people on here would blow that off, so there is no point of that.

Enlighten us.
Not everything that departments do has to be vetted by Congress or SCOTUS. The Department of Education did a lot of shitty things under previous administrations and they didn't need Congressional approval. There's also the fact that Republicans want to eliminate federal oversight altogether, so putting Trump in office or a weak Dem that won't fight stuff like that would be bad in that way too.

You're missing the point. Trump packed the circuit courts and the SCOTUS with Conservatives. If Republicans can't outright prevent shit from happening in Congress since they control the House, they will challenge it on the lower courts and even SCOTUS.

How do you think Roe was overturned? Where did Student Loan Debt Forgiveness die at? Where did the George Floyd Policing Act die at? Common Law Gun Violence Act?

All of those things were either buried in Congress by Republicans or challenged and overturned by Conservative courts that Trump packed.

If there is anything progressive, positive, or beneficial regarding education crafted by Democrats, Republicans are going to kill it.
You're missing the point. Trump packed the circuit courts and the SCOTUS with Conservatives. If Republicans can't outright prevent shit from happening in Congress since they control the House, they will challenge it on the lower courts and even SCOTUS.

How do you think Roe was overturned? Where did Student Loan Debt Forgiveness die at? Where did the George Floyd Policing Act die at? Common Law Gun Violence Act?

All of those things were either buried in Congress by Republicans or challenged and overturned by Conservative courts that Trump packed.

If there is anything progressive, positive, or beneficial regarding education crafted by Democrats, Republicans are going to kill it.

Again, you're ignoring that presidents can fight those things. Biden face that same Republican opposition to everything he did, but still managed to get things like the CHIPS act through. That's because he negotiated and fought for those things since he thought they were important. Student Loan Debt Forgiveness didn't die. He's still fighting that in a way that he's not for the policing act.

Again, if the president cares about it he/she can at least try and, while SCOTUS doesn't change much in composition, Congress is constantly shifting. The House and Senate might become Dem controlled after the next election, so we need a president that will try to take advantage of that for things that matter.

That's because he negotiated and fought for those things since he thought they were important.

He negotiated.........................with Republicans. Meaning CHIPS would not have passed with Republican cooperation. It wasn't because Joe Biden thought it was important and other things weren't.

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness didn't die. He's still fighting that in a way that he's not for the policing act.

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness literally died last week. Every facet that could be blocked was indeed blocked. Either by SCOTUS or a lower level Trump appointed Judge.

Again, if the president cares about it he/she can at least try and, while SCOTUS doesn't change much in composition, Congress is constantly shifting. The House and Senate might become Dem controlled after the next election, so we need a president that will try to take advantage of that for things that matter.

Congress is not constantly shifting. It's locked in for 2 years minimum. If POTUS doesn't have the House and Senate then they are gridlocked. Even when they have a slim majority like Dems do in the Senate, shit is gridlocked.
Yes, because that's recent. Even she says that.

To which I agreed:

Stop reading to respond and read to understand. This ain't even the first time you and I had this convo.

I think the issue is...you made a declarative statement based on information you now admit wasn't fully informed. He's being a dick...but that's what it seems happened.
I think the issue is...you made a declarative statement based on information you now admit wasn't fully informed. He's being a dick...but that's what it seems happened.

The programs were designed, from inception, to undermine the Black family and the Black community. That's about as fully informed as it gets.

50-60 years later now single fathers and some whole families can get in on some of these programs, sure, but that's after numerous lawsuits over the years chipped away at the "Man In The House" rule and even after that some states (i.e. Michigan) kept those rules on the books for decades and actively enforced them in predominately Black communities.
The programs were designed, from inception, to undermine the Black family and the Black community. That's about as fully informed as it gets.

50-60 years later now single fathers and some whole families can get in on some of these programs, sure, but that's after numerous lawsuits over the years chipped away at the "Man In The House" rule and even after that some states (i.e. Michigan) kept those rules on the books for decades and actively enforced them in predominately Black communities.

I know why the programs were designed and how they worked in the past. The point was...they can get in on it now and your statement said they couldn't. So that means it wasn't a fully informed statement on how it works today.