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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

Even if that was true I still don’t feel like it It’s there right to tell somebody what to do with their situation and their body. The truth is they’re only trying to stop abortion to stop white ppl from declining population and we are just a side mission

These niggaz willfully swirlin
That's the real pandemic 😄
I wanna hear from her about
how she would handle the wars in Ukraine and Palestine. I think thats gonna determine if alot of younger voters fuck with her or not.
de-scheduling/legalizing herb
what she gonna do about criminal justice reform and holding law enforcement accountable
her views on gun control
raising taxes on the wealthy

and a few other things. She's the better option of the two options we currently have.. But i'd still like some clarity on her stance on a buncha issues
All that is back burner topics

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It's not a myth: The programs were expressly designed to push Black men out of the home while keeping Black women beholden to the Democratic party because they hooked them up with food, a place to live, and whatever other services they got.

I told y'all before, the summer of '97 I was crashing on my best friend's couch (the woman I would end up marrying 4 years later) but the rule was I had to keep my stuff in the basement and it had to look like it was just being stored there 'cause she was on section 8 and getting WIC for her 3 year old 'cause if they did an inspection and determined I lived there she would get kicked off. Sure as shit, about 3 weeks after I moved in, she had an inspection and when they questioned her about my stuff in the basement, she told the worker that it was just being stored there and they let it go.

To your point: Yeah, that's how it was at least up through the early 00's. I don't know how it is today with those programs, but in the past it was walike that.

Lol so just ignore her example of helping men with families get WIC is crazy
Respectfully as a spectator it seems yall past the point of candidate approval and meandering. The important and unfortunate question is do you want trump as president again? Do yall got 4 more of those years in you?
Four more years of Trump wouldn’t be bad at all. How did the Trump presidency negatively affect the black community? The country seemed just fine while he was in office.
IMO, I think the easier and more efficient path for us would be to co-opt or basically stage a coup on an existing party.

The Democratic Party can and should be taken over by Black people. Black women have established themselves as a politic force to be reckoned with. Kamala winning the White House only amplifies that.

I think as a unit, we would be better served by planting our foot in the Democratic party and making it our.

Trump basically did that with the Republican party. The Republican party has been taken over by Trump and his supporters. There's no reason why Black people can't establish ourselves as the leaders and organizers of the Democratic party.

I think we would be better served doing this than trying to create a new movement from scratch.
We're on the same page. When I say building a political infrastructure I mean within the Democratic party.
Lol so just ignore her example of helping men with families get WIC is crazy

Yes, because that's recent. Even she says that.
This is a myth. I've helped many families with married parents and single fathers sign up for WIC because their infant needed specialized formula. Now maybe back in the day this was true....

To which I agreed:

To your point: Yeah, that's how it was at least up through the early 00's. I don't know how it is today with those programs, but in the past it was like that.

Stop reading to respond and read to understand. This ain't even the first time you and I had this convo.
Yes, because that's recent. Even she says that.

To which I agreed:

Stop reading to respond and read to understand. This ain't even the first time you and I had this convo.

But were we not talking about recently lol not the 90s bruh. So as of today which is relevant to the conversation men and fathers can get help.
Anyone notice when we talk about these issues, these pro-democrat and liberal policies never reveal the whole truth?

They only show you half-truths, carved out facts, and debunked information critical to our survival. We've gone 12 whole pages and nan one of them posted Coretta Scott's letter against illegal aliens documented back in the early 90's (I've already referened on this site a couple times). A simple google search will show you how Coretta and NAACP felt. Instead they act like they never read it and act as if we should turn away from these issues.

Actually we following our own history. Black democrat simps will never learn and only regurgitate a response for they party. Ain't even bother to google the letter like I mentioned.

The Forgotten Letter of Coretta Scott King​

“We are concerned, Senator Hatch” Coretta Scott King wrote in her now largely forgotten letter, “That your proposed remedy…will cause another problem—the revival of …discrimination against black and brown U.S. documented workers, in favor of cheap labor"