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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

I have never understood the focus on the national elections outside of more media attention, when the impact and actual change black ppl need comes from participating in the local, regional, and state elections.

That's where the right ppl at the city council and State Congress level and those who go to the US Congress can do the right kind of damage.

We wonder why shot isn't done for us and it's because the concentration is trickle down thinking instead of building foundation up. Donations to the right candidates, town hall meetings, etc... we gotta as a group do better in strategy.
A Harris victory means a chance to send one of the most criminal and despicable public figures this country has ever known to his proper fate of dying his miserable ass in prison.

Trump shoulda been locked up for any number of reasons YEARS before he ever had a chance to sniff the presidency and through your principled apathy y'all would rather let him inherit that power again than vote for an imperfect ex prosecutor for whatever reasons yall hold so dear.

Y'all know damn well than man ain't seeing no justice at all if he wins again. He'll bully the judicial branch to make sure of it by any illegal means necessary. And die long before he ever sees the effects of how another 4 years fucks the rest of us over. So fuckit, Kamala has my vote not bc she's the perfect candidate, but bc she's an L for Trump and nazi crackas.
What type of consequences?🤔
Enlighten me😏
That project 2025 thing is a real thing .He is affiliated with that heritage foundation and they want to do a number of things that will affect specifically minorities. They want to get rid of the board of education and start limiting public schools. Of course they wanna get rid of abortion, they want to do away with affirmative action ,diversity laws, change the curriculum to makes slavery not seem as bad and a list of other things that you could look into yourself
We know you're voting Democrat because you literally suck dick and the Democrats support dick sucking black men..right?

You pretended to be another man because you thought he was more attractive than you. You thought the nigga was cute. Democrats are ok with you coming out the closet.

Let’s be real bruh have you seen your posts? You’re a completely unhinged bitch ass nigga who just says wild shit to niggas you don’t know. Fake ass black panther. You talk about reparations but you don’t even be active in your community as you’ve stated.
The toughest part about voting in this election is deciding which pick actually leads to change. When Trump won the first time, I wanted him to win. It was clear he would open a door that white America and the Democrats would be unable to close again; open racism. Trump has made people feel comfortable exposing themselves as racist, especially the democrats who post Trump are having a hell of a time proving they are not as ignorant of other cultures' values/needs as Republicans.

I don't like that Roe vs Wade got overturned, but unfortunately I don't see any democratic president or any Democrat anywhere actually fighting for change that benefits a working class having mobility to move up. Trump at least makes people angry enough that focus on real change and not fake options of leaving it to random Joe on the left or rift right.
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That project 2025 thing is a real thing .He is affiliated with that heritage foundation and they want to do a number of things that will affect specifically minorities. They want to get rid of the board of education and start limiting public schools. Of course they wanna get rid of abortion, they want to do away with affirmative action ,diversity laws, change the curriculum to makes slavery not seem as bad and a list of other things that you could look into yourself
That shit aint passing