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Is Charleston White right about today's youth??

I personally think the parents have gotten worse with each generation. You have too many people trying to be the kid’s friend instead of their parent. Then you have the adult/parents who are trying to live their 2nd childhood instead of being the parent/adult.

The kids are sadly left to figure it out on their own, or by follow examples online
Yes. It was a lazy take when they tried to do it with our generation.. its a lazy take for this generation.

I dont feel like games are responsible for transforming a generation of children into a psychopaths that dont value life.

Something else is at play

There's a significant difference between gaming when I was young and you were young and young kids gaming today. You've got to be completely blind to everything around you not to be able to see it. And Charleston laid it out there: Today these kids get their parents phone at a very, very young age to keep them quiet whereas we didn't have that when we were young. So the kids come up with games from a far earlier age than ever before and the games are now at a point where they're more realistic and in the case of games like COD or CS:GO, they use real-world weapons (why else would a 12 year old know what a SCAR20 is and what round it shoots??) over clearly fake sci-fi shit. Add to it online engagement, which is also relatively new and these kids are now getting their socilization skills from gaming. Even though we had online gaming back in the late 90's on the PC we weren't able to talk shit to one another live like you can now. All of this has a significantly greater effect on kids of this generation over previous generations.
12 years of age should be ok to play those type of games, hell I was playing Mortal Kombat at about 8 or 9. If you actually parent your kids then it shouldn't be an issue.
12 years of age should be ok to play those type of games, hell I was playing Mortal Kombat at about 8 or 9. If you actually parent your kids then it shouldn't be an issue.
There were also alternatives

The SNES version had sweat instead of blood or you could turn the blood off with a code
I think what gets lost in a lot of these discussions are people's inability to not interject their own experiences as a way to support their position

i.e. again, just cause YOU aren't easily impressionable doesn't negate the fact that there are others who are. I can play call of duty for hours and go about my day. There are those who can't.

I'm a parent that doesn't care if my child likes me but there are parents that do

Or I don't see it, so it must not be happening

We can't continue to have discussions thinking in absolutes.

We get that lol but you can’t act like we just ignoring it. Where is the correlation that COD leads to violence though? It really just seems like complaining about kids which people always do. Just because I don’t see what you see or think White is over playing it does not mean I can’t understand or see your pov
We get that lol but you can’t act like we just ignoring it. Where is the correlation that COD leads to violence though? It really just seems like complaining about kids which people always do. Just because I don’t see what you see or think White is over playing it does not mean I can’t understand or see your pov
I'ma come back to this later

Just had a brawl in the mod room and I need a drink
It's parents. It's always parents.

Videogames and music shouldn't be responsible for children's social emotional growth.... active parents should.

People are more and more distracted from being parents and the result is less attention to it in future generations
It's the internet that has detached all of society not just the youth. And we need to leave the youth alone and quit always downing them. They are only what the older generation helped shape. Personally I believe in them and feel they have the balls to make a change and do the things we won't because we are consumed by our 401k's or just paying the mortgage. It's so bad out here most of them will never be home owners to have a mortgage to worry about