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Is “because I said so” really a valid reason?

It's soft because you would explain your task to make sure they do it when your tellin' them to do it should be enough. It's like you guys don't wanna deal with any potential argument.

I don't think you realized what you just said. Actually explaining is openining the door to a potential "argument" more than "BISS" because the former invites discussion while the later shuts it down....also the later can teach your kid to not communicate or ask certain questions about things out of fear of being shut down or shut out.
I don't think you realized what you just said. Actually explaining is openining the door to a potential "argument" more than "BISS" because the former invites discussion while the later shuts it down....also the later can teach your kid to not communicate or ask certain questions about things out of fear of being shut down or shut out.

That's true so lemme change what I said, "it's like you guys are afraid to be stern with your children"

As for bein' afraid to ask certain questions, they should be imo for example if your child should kno' it's disrespectful to ask why they have to wash the dishes and not you
I agree that sometimes they might not understand, but why not just say "You won't understand til you're older" instead of "Because I said so"...you get the same point across but the message is totally different.

How much of a difference is that really going to make though? Thats not going to satisfy their curiosity, or get them to see your pov. They're children. Everything doesn't have to be explained because they'll eventually get it when in due time. Some things yea, but simple commands or requests no.
This isnt really that complicated. Diff situations call for diff actions.

Some shit would help explaining, some shit dont.

But at 13 yrs old they shouldnt ask why u want them to clean their room

At the same time this whole "i aint splainin shit!" Comes off as some type of power trip.......against your own seed

Its NOT that serious
Only if their question of “why?” Is logical enough for a response...

If I say it’s time to get this place clean, and they respond with why, it’s more so them being rhetorical, and if they want an answer, it is because I said so, because I’m the parent and you will respect my authority and there’s no reason to question that..

If they ask because it was in response to “don’t climb that tree”, I will explain the reasons; I would want them to avoid that due to injury and time spent in a hospital and the physical therapy one might have to go through...