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Ima disagree witchu chief. And before I start lemme say it gives me no pleasure to appear like I'm defending molly. She's the dumbest one on the show and I want no parts of her outside of being issa's friend...lol

Now...Molly not wanting to blur the lines and do relationship shit with a mf she ain't and will never be in a relationship with ain't outa bounds. She tried to establish boundaries and then the next day this nigga hitting her up doing what they agreed they wouldn't do. And then on top of that he felt a way and showed up and waited for her at her house...to the point where he got an attitude about her wanting her key back.

Where molly fucked up is by accepting dro's invite to their "date" she skipped out on. Boundaries ain't shit if you don't enforce them.

Where I kinda get where dro is coming from is...they were legit friends before this even came up. So him taking an interest and being happy for her work shit and wanting to celebrate is regular and what you would do for any friend.

The moral of the story is that molly can't handle this type of setup with dro because of their history. But since molly is dumb, she probly won't end this right away.
And by dro's reaction to showing up at her house tells me he probly feels more for molly than just any other chick off the street his wife is fine with.

I will admit...Dro had no business letting his estrogen levels increase and get all sensitive about Molly's key. That's her key. She has every right to ask for her key back. So no argument there. Cry...pout...suck yo teef...just be sure to gimme back MY key. Thanks

If he's just wanting to hang out, or celebrate good news with her, then I don't see the issue. She still his friend 1st and foremost. Even if they decide to stop fuccin...I can see he would still wanna keep that friendship. Yeah we fuccin, but we still go all the way back to daycare.

The reason Molly lost any common sense cool points with me, goes back to last season. Where she found out her dad cheated on her mama during their marriage. Pretty much crushing this "perfect relationship" image she had created in her mind. Talked all that jazz shyt about her folks and blah blah...but turns around goes fucc a married man.

And how in the world is you issuing rules and regulations, when you was tryin to start "possible future" talks wit a guy you just met (the lawyer brotha wit the perm)? That's why he ain't never called back. Lol!
your post before the last one redeemed you. I have no further comment

but im watching you moving forward