Welcome To aBlackWeb

In my travels and time on this rock. I came to the conclusion..............

We know better but we don't want better. It's sad to say that out loud but we legit don't want to get right. Also when I say we I mean errrbody. This generation has every tool in the world to build wealth, health and climatic change but we won't. There's literally a machine that will answer almost every question we need answered if you ask it right. You can Google how to be a Doctor, Electrician, Engineer, Computer Scientist, build a damn or build a bomb. There's thread on this forum alone on how to make money in IT and Stock and it's the same 5 or 6 posters in there at the most

To our black brother and sisters and allies we are so caught up on the lives of so called stars and having the trinkets that some white person said is luxury that we as a whole isn't building generational wealth for our kids kid's. Leaving a house and a couple dollars to your child(ren) is cool BUT leaving a few house's and cash to their children is what we should all be striving for. @DOS_patos will make a thread on how to get money and it might get a few post and you'll have a coon yes a coon(an ignorant nigga) saying he's too flashy always bragging. Meanwhile a bullshit thread about the new gay shit of the week or this celebrity did this or that goes 80pgs. I'm not acting like I don't be in those threads so stfu in advance BUT the time is here people for us to change our mindset and get money.

I said all that to say..........we know what we could do to fix all our problems but we won't. There's no real reason why poverty, lack of education and food should be a thing in America. Out of nowhere this year alone the government pull 3 trillion dollars out of the sky. They could've repaired every school, neighborhood, and sent every child to college for free off that alone. Yet we see each other as a threat won't work together disrespect our women, disrespect our men, barely raise our children.
Cain had enough goddamn it.

I agree with you 100%. Our generation is all lips service, we would rather appear to be thriving then actually thrive. It takes much less effort is why.

I find myself doing it too, with the lazy shit. Afraid to go in a risky direction because I'm comfortable.

Thanks Cain for the inspiration.
I just think we got to temper our expectations for the next man/woman.

One thing I learned in life, is that you really could do anything in this life. You could really take control of your life and have your life play out how you want it too. With that said, the huge majority of people are content with going with the flow rather than controlling the flow.

The wild shit is, the people who let life lead them tend to be happier. But thats another topic.

I stopped letting this bother me cause I realize its human nature. Most of us are born followers. Only so many of us are leaders. And to be a leader it doesnt mean youre leading people, just taking control over your own life makes you a leader.
I read someone say that we're not sheep we're cows. A sheep will just get his hair cut off and go back to field not worrying about getting ate for the most part. Yet cows will watch it's masters separate it's fathers from his kids, let the female raise the males, once the male is of age take the male away to sit in a pasture with other males only to be used for breeding then sent back to no affection from his woman. Then on top of that they knowingly know that they will be slaughtered by their overseer but never rebel against them but will fight each other for scraps.
Black folks need to keep fighting for what they are owed.

But, until we get what's coming to us, we need to start building for a future we want to see. So if our due does come it won't make or break the plans just enhance.
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We need to find a way to make niggas go back to fists and bats

Not every disagreement has to go to the guns

I'm all the way with this.

I teach my son to talk to people in the language they can understand. And that every blue moon, you're gonna run into a nigga who ONLY understands violence. So that's the language you have to talk in. But that's that. You work out whatever you gotta work out with that man and then move on, unless he wanna run one again tommorow.
We need to stop normalizing niggas not being in their kids lives

Same with this one. I'm pretty sure niggas tired of hearing me talk about this. There really are very few legitimate reasons to not be a consistent present in your child's life. And 'My baby momma be wildin' don't count, niggas.

For most of us, the biggest legacy we will ever leave this world is our children.

Take that shit seriously.