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If You Could've Been @ Any Moment In History, Where Would It Be?

Some real pivotal point from biblical times. So later editions of the Bible will note a man in the back of the crowd yelling "bullllllshiiiiiiit" at Jesus telling stories and doing magic tricks.
It's ironic how the godless obsess over someone they don't believe in.

My King Jesus:

Well, He’s the grandest idea in literature.

He’s the highest personality in philosophy.

He’s the supreme problem in high criticism.

He’s the fundamental doctrine of proved theology.

He’s the cardinal necessity of spiritual religion.

That’s my King.

He’s the miracle of the age.

He’s the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him.

Well, He’s the only one able to supply all of our needs simultaneously.

He supplies strength for the weak.

He’s available for the tempted and the tried.

He sympathizes and He saves.

He’s strong God and He guides.

He heals the sick.

He cleanses the lepers.

He forgives sinners.

He discharged debtors.

He delivers the captives.

He defends the feeble.

He blesses the young.

He serves the unfortunate.

He regards the aged.

He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meek.

Do you know Him?
*Abw goes to see the pyramids being built

Poster: interesting. So that's how they are built.

*slave trying to escape
Slave: Help me. (Their language)

Poster: I dont know what you are saying but it seems you need help. I cant help you

Slave: please help. If im caught, ill be executed.

Poster: sorry man. I just came to see how yall built these amazing structures. I know you dont understand me

Slave: oh no, the gaurds are coming.
Poster: oh shit, gaurds coming. Im out.

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Cold world we living in
If the slaves built those pyramids idk what y'all expect us 30 somethings to do against their actual masters

If the slaves built those pyramids idk what y'all expect us 30 somethings to do against their actual masters


Im just getting at how people can ignore the trauma just for their own interests. I couldnt do it, so Me Personally, wouldnt go to a period like that.

But you stepping on my jokes. Let me get my jokes off. My serious time is M-F 9-7. Ask me again tomorrow