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I need help,

SMH. This is a WILD comment to make after calling a grown man a bitch, calling the woman who gave life to him a bitch, threatening his livelihood, threatening his life, trying to demean his financial situation and threatening his home.

Him not talking to you is ‘a bit much’? The level of entitlement wrapped up in that is shocking.

Do you legit not see that? Or have we reached the point in the thread where we’re all just fucking around?

I find it REALLY hard to believe that you’d allow someone in the same position to talk to you like that and just be cool after an apology.

I dunno how the beef with you and @Mister B. started, but you been at that nigga neck for years now. And I’m pretty sure whatever started it wasn’t on the level of the shit you said to homie. Let him tell it, he started this silly ass ‘she mammal’ shit to KEEP FROM calling you a bitch.

I dunno. Ima just say good luck and leave the shit alone cuz I don’t have nothing else constructive to offer.
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I’m not gonna lie, ma’am.

This sounds too much like 🧢 to take seriously anymore.

IF this story is true, then that muhfucka is TERRIFIED of you. Texting that man 5 times in a row is pushing it….

10 times is scary….

25 and up, I’m going to the police station to file a restraining order. If the shit you sent him is true, they giving that up easy.

If this story is real, and he come back to you, he may not love himself. He may just need affection in his life. No way any rational man is coming back to that level of abuse on that short a notice.

But honestly, I’m starting to believe you just beat up a muhfucka on the streets of Philly, stripped him naked, then took his clothes home and washed them just to show us that a guy is in this plea for “help.”

This is my most objective view. Dead serious.
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Wooo Chile.

Race I would try to talk to him in person, and tell him you working on yourself and you are patient to earn back his trust on things. And make sure something like this would never happen again.

The bigger situation is maybe your suppression of feelings and emotions requires some professional therapy. This is trying times for all of us, and I'm looking for a therapist myself. I believe if you keep it 100 with him and be honest and let him know you got some personal work to do then he will at least respect your vulnerability and who knows maybe you guys will grow even closer. But this type of response from you points to something more bigger that would be important to address, not for him but more importantly for you. Rooting for you Race! And hopefully things can work out for you and him, just be patient with him if you really like him.
Wooo Chile.

Race I would try to talk to him in person, and tell him you working on yourself and you are patient to earn back his trust on things. And make sure something like this would never happen again.

The bigger situation is maybe your suppression of feelings and emotions requires some professional therapy. This is trying times for all of us, and I'm looking for a therapist myself. I believe if you keep it 100 with him and be honest and let him know you got some personal work to do then he will at least respect your vulnerability and who knows maybe you guys will grow even closer. But this type of response from you points to something more bigger that would be important to address, not for him but more importantly for you. Rooting for you Race! And hopefully things can work out for you and him, just be patient with him if you really like him.

This shit wasn't never gonna last long. Drunken Race just terminated the relationship alot sooner than Sober Race inevitably would have.

You seem to like something about him but your comments on him also show that you carry some contempt or lack of respect for this nigga. And after what you did, I'm sure he has some for you too now if he didn't before.
All depends on what started it.
Did dude trigger you some how?
If not, responding like that just off drank……he gone.
you threatened his mom and his business. Two of three things you never threaten in a man’s life
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All depends on what started it.
Did dude trigger you some how?
If not, responding like that just off drank……he gone.
you threatened his mom and his business. Two of three things you never threaten in a man’s life

I was just drunk . i wrote all of that bs in bed with my hair tied 😫
All depends on what started it.
Did dude trigger you some how?
If not, responding like that just off drank……he gone.
you threatened his mom and his business. Two of three things you never threaten in a man’s life

read the thread and tell me if it was warranted

it wasnt but still