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How Would You React If A Nuclear War Was About To Start???

It’s not about what I believe. I’m telling you, for a fact, that there were thousands of Japanese people who survived nuclear bombs and went on to live fruitful lives.
True, but you are comparing 1945 technology to 2022 technology. Only 2 bombs were dropped. With an all out nuclear war, everybody is dropping their whole payload. And if that happens, you better cancel Christmas!!!
True, but you are comparing 1945 technology to 2022 technology. Only 2 bombs were dropped. With an all out nuclear war, everybody is dropping their whole payload. And if that happens, you better cancel Christmas!!!

That has nothing to do with my statement. And you are incorrect.That’s not how any country’s nuclear response plan works. No country reasonably plans in dropping more than one nuke on any specific area. Because there’s no point.

That’s just a waste of armaments. But I’m not bout to get into a military tactics debate with niggas.
That has nothing to do with my statement. And you are incorrect.That’s not how any country’s nuclear response plan works. No country reasonably plans in dropping more than one nuke on any specific area. Because there’s no point.

That’s just a waste of armaments. But I’m not bout to get into a military tactics debate with niggas.
Then my bad. I was talking about all out nuclear war. Yes it is true that a great number of Japanese people did live very long lives after the bombs drops. But at the same time, tech has changed during that time too. So depending on what kind of nuclear weapon is dropped and where, it could be worse than in Japan.
Then my bad. I was talking about all out nuclear war. Yes it is true that a great number of Japanese people did live very long lives after the bombs drops. But at the same time, tech has changed during that time too. So depending on what kind of nuclear weapon is dropped and where, it could be worse than in Japan.

Also false. Over the last 50 years, nuclear armament DEFENSE technology has advanced waaaaaay faster than nuclear armament technology, due to the Cold War and both sides being legit terrified that the other side was gonna launch the big one. So we'd prolly be better off today than niggas were back in Japan.
Also false. Over the last 50 years, nuclear armament DEFENSE technology has advanced waaaaaay faster than nuclear armament technology, due to the Cold War and both sides being legit terrified that the other side was gonna launch the big one. So we'd prolly be better off today than niggas were back in Japan.
I get what you’re saying now.
Its not just surviving the nuclear blast and then the nuclear fallout after, which would be tough as it is...

Its also the sh!t that comes with it, long term ill health, economy falls on its ass, crops fail, food and water shortages, pollution in the air and water etc, hospitals overrun, lack of healthcare in general, mental health shot to pieces from seeing friends and family microwaved, public running riot, powercuts, no jobs or income, poor world/global infrastructure in general, the list goes on... The world barely copes with COVID, forget one of our countries being nuked... Weve seen how selfish the people (and politicians) act within a week of the pandemic, forget an everyman for himself nuclear war...

Russia tested the Tsar Bomba way back in the 60's, which was 4,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, the fallout would had been so dangerous they actually had to modify the test from 100 megatons to 50 megatons, so cut the strength in half... That was in the 60's, think what Russia, USA and the UK have now, they prolly have a 'if we cant survive, neither can you' bomb that can end the world...
I watched a tiktok the other day that said if you're close enough to see the bright light, you have like 8-10 seconds to lay flat until the shock wave comes ripping by. If you're standing your organs explode. Then you need to get underground as fast as possible and stay there for 48hrs. If a store has a basement or other abode has underground-ness, forget being polite, get inside and get as deep as possible. If you try and rescue your loved ones before that time your ass is definitely gonna die from the fallout within days.

*searches Amazon for lead blankets*
So yall still scared?
Propaganda is a motherfucker huh?
News had yall shook now everybody talking about Will Smith and Chris Rock
Tabloid junkies........ everywhere


I consider myself a prepper so if I survive when shit hits the fan it's on. Something of this form is bound to happen eventually.
Do anyone of you see Putin actually using nukes against Ukraine?
I don't even think they have functioning nukes, anymore. After seeing the state of their military, I wouldn't be surprised if the money that was supposed to go into maintaining them, instead went to line the pockets of greasy Russian oligarchs.
Hopefully I got a crib on one of my plots of land brfore it pops off, preferably the small one in MI since it's in the middle of nowhere, near water, and has good soil to grow food if it comes to that. Bail up there with the kids and armaments and last as long as we can.