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How would YOU have handled the covid crisis...

I would've had the military shut the country down, pay everyone 2k a month to stay home, pay small businesses off to close, give a loan to major corporations to close.

Country would be closed until development of a vaccine and taking the vaccine would be mandatory if you want to return to school or work or receive unemployment once vaccine production has commenced. Vaccine would be necessary to travel too.
How would you re open the country?
Ok..we've all talked extensively about the covid problems, the solutions, who's to blame, etc etc. So my question for all of you is this...

If YOU was put into a position of power (ie. President, Governor/Mayor, head of the CDC)...how would YOU have handled this crisis? I'm talkin starting from day one, up until present day.

What kinda policy & procedures would you have implemented? How would you have dealt with the push back on vaccinations, and the misinformation being put out there?

Also...what would be your plan of action in making sure AFRICAN AMERICANS aren't disproportionately being left out?

Wit so many opinions being posted, I'd figured this is a good opportunity for you to tell us your RESOLUTION to this ongoing problem. So...let's see what you got!

3 month lockdown starting March 2020 a complete one no work unless you’re saving lives
Y’all that mandated a shutdown for whoever how long, how are you dealing with those who don’t abide?

First offense is a warning
Second offense is a fine.
Third offense is a 200 dollar permanent reduction in Covid pay.
Fourth offense is being put on house arrest for jeopardizing public health.
Fifth offense is a 30 day term and I would have a Covid jail just for dumbasses that can get a free 2 racks just to stay at home.
3 month lockdown starting March 2020 a complete one no work unless you’re saving lives

How would people get essentials? I don't keep 3 months of food in the house. Stores don't have enough inventory to provide 3 months of food, toilet paper, soap, sanitizer, etc to everyone.
First off, when it first broke out over Europe back in the Fall of 2019, I would've had checkpoints on ALL airports to require two-week quarantine on anyone coming from Europe and Asia.

That wouldn't have stopped it, but it would've least bought us time. so, then we would've went to pre-emptive lockdown for the Winter of 2020, with place an EO for a rent moratorium to the banks. Nothing would be open except hospitals and food stores.

Finally, while the vaccine was being researched and created, push to Congress for a federal mask mandate.

i agree with what you said . i felt everyone was too slow reacting to the situation which caused alot of fuckery for us . Had we shut down we would of been in a better position
Idk somebody will figure it out. But one month ain’t enough.

This is If you're in charge. You're the somebody that has to figure it out, haha.

This is why I'm only so hard on politicians for how they handle this. This is a big ass, spread out country, with a lot of differences in how people live (like NYC vs Mississippi). It's hard to find a right answer to help everyone. And even if you have the right answer, some people just won't listen. Not giving a pass to everyone that's handled in wrong... just saying I'm not sure it could be handled right either.
What do you mean vaccines don't stop spread?

delta is highly transmissible and get passed from person to person with or without the vax.
the vaccine helps in terms of severity, but it doesnt reduce the spread as vaccinated folks can carry the virus in their nose at the same rate of those who are unvaccinated.

hence why we needed restrictions/mandates and a lockdown alongside the vax.
Idk all the answers but I do know that public shaming and possible legal repercussions for people in public office and media for intentionally spreading false, misleading or intentionally vague information would definitely be implemented. This shit wouldn't have turned into a partisan issue had this country gotten a better handle on the supposed people in charge not going on TV daily saying shit like "This is a hoax to steal the election away from me"
First offense is a warning
Second offense is a fine.
Third offense is a 200 dollar permanent reduction in Covid pay.
Fourth offense is being put on house arrest for jeopardizing public health.
Fifth offense is a 30 day term and I would have a Covid jail just for dumbasses that can get a free 2 racks just to stay at home.

Lol mad lenient
delta is highly transmissible and get passed from person to person with or without the vax.
the vaccine helps in terms of severity, but it doesnt reduce the spread as vaccinated folks can carry the virus in their nose at the same rate of those who are unvaccinated.

hence why we needed restrictions/mandates and a lockdown alongside the vax.

That's just not true. Don't spread false anti-vax info.
That's just not true. Don't spread false anti-vax info.

what the fuck are you talking about?

I would’a New Zeland’d this bitch!! Whatever tha fuck they did…do that.

Tar n feather muthafuckas in tha town square
Public stoning
Poking people wit sticks in their ribs in tha street

Whatever works to get this shit TF outta here I woulda done…tied of this bawse
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what the fuck are you talking about?

You're talking about the vaccine like all it does is reduce symptoms and said it has no impact on spread. You're spreading false anti-vax info.

This is from the article you just posted.


and this is from the CDC website
You're talking about the vaccine like all it does is reduce symptoms and said it has no impact on spread. You're spreading false anti-vax info.

This is from the article you just posted.

View attachment 631307

and this is from the CDC website
View attachment 631309


the first screenshot is saying efficacy wanes to almost a nil after 6 months. why the fuck do you think they are discussing booster shots every 5 to 6 months?? because its efficacy goes down in month 3 and is significantly lower by month 6

the second screenshot confirms everything i said, delta can still be passed from person to person, vaccinated or not. the screenshot is saying probability of transmission in vaccinated ppl is high for at least 7 days. with no mask mandate or restrictions, you do the math on how easy it is for someone to pass along the virus in a 7 day period if they were to catch it.

after 6 months the probability of breakthrough infection in vaccinated people increases. again, thats why they are discussing booster shots.

remember the vaccine does NOT prevent you from catching the delta variant or any other variants that may arise. the vaccine works to reduce severity.

the point still remains: vaccinated and unvaccinated ppl can still spread covid 19 therefore other cautionary measures should be implemented to mitigate the spread alongside vaccinations.
I would've had the military shut the country down, pay everyone 2k a month to stay home, pay small businesses off to close, give a loan to major corporations to close.

Country would be closed until development of a vaccine and taking the vaccine would be mandatory if you want to return to school or work or receive unemployment once vaccine production has commenced. Vaccine would be necessary to travel too.
