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How would YOU have handled the covid crisis...


Doctorate & Ph.D in Bootyology
Ok..we've all talked extensively about the covid problems, the solutions, who's to blame, etc etc. So my question for all of you is this...

If YOU was put into a position of power (ie. President, Governor/Mayor, head of the CDC)...how would YOU have handled this crisis? I'm talkin starting from day one, up until present day.

What kinda policy & procedures would you have implemented? How would you have dealt with the push back on vaccinations, and the misinformation being put out there?

Also...what would be your plan of action in making sure AFRICAN AMERICANS aren't disproportionately being left out?

Wit so many opinions being posted, I'd figured this is a good opportunity for you to tell us your RESOLUTION to this ongoing problem. So...let's see what you got!
I would've had the military shut the country down, pay everyone 2k a month to stay home, pay small businesses off to close, give a loan to major corporations to close.

Country would be closed until development of a vaccine and taking the vaccine would be mandatory if you want to return to school or work or receive unemployment once vaccine production has commenced. Vaccine would be necessary to travel too.
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Shutting everything tf down except delivery services and EMS and paying ppl to stay home for 2 weeks to a month. Investing in rapid testings to be used in every school and place of business and building separate treatment centers to keep hospitals from filling up. After that, tiered openings.
First off, when it first broke out over Europe back in the Fall of 2019, I would've had checkpoints on ALL airports to require two-week quarantine on anyone coming from Europe and Asia.

That wouldn't have stopped it, but it would've least bought us time. so, then we would've went to pre-emptive lockdown for the Winter of 2020, with place an EO for a rent moratorium to the banks. Nothing would be open except hospitals and food stores.

Finally, while the vaccine was being researched and created, push to Congress for a federal mask mandate.
Considering the guy I voted for wasn’t POTUS when the shit first started, I’d say he’s hasn’t done a bad job dealing with it.

Most of this shit falls on the asshole who let The Rona get out of control in the first place.
Considering the guy I voted for wasn’t POTUS when the shit first started, I’d say he’s hasn’t done a bad job dealing with it.

Most of this shit falls on the asshole who let The Rona get out of control in the first place.

youre delusional if you think bidens handling of covid is good
First of all it would have been a month of lockdown and mask mandate of course with a moratorium on rent/mortgage and pay to sustain familys through the duration off the pandemic. . also i would stick to the science and how people/corporations feel about thevirus wouldn't cause me to relax health/safety standards... i wouldn't throw a party.. have a celebration...at all let alone in the middle of the damn pandemic
Y’all that mandated a shutdown for whoever how long, how are you dealing with those who don’t abide?
Y’all that mandated a shutdown for whoever how long, how are you dealing with those who don’t abide?

Or politicians spreading misinformation and discouraging folks from wearing masks and gettin vaccines?

Best believe if I was president...I'm exposing they azzz. Putting out a list of said politrickans who got vaccinated but lying to the American people.
biden literally gave up trying to manage covid

If this was happening under trump corporate media and you would be fuming @Mister B.

“G3t tHe VaCciN3”

vaccines do not stop spread and spread leads to vaccine resistant variants which they all know by now.
I would make florida, south carolina and texas "Superspreader Freedom Island". Then I would build a wall around that shit and keep them in quarantine indefinitely. They could get unlimited guns but no federal aid and anyone is free to go there but you can't leave. Also no internet besides twitter and porn.